You will begin by comparing landforms on Mars with landforms on Earth. Follow instructions. 1. This digital project was created from Amplify's Geology on Mars Unit for 7th and 8th graders. All rights reserved. Once you have discussed these annotations, mark them as discussed. After you read, discuss what you have read with others to help you better understand the text. __________________________ Why? Modeling a Geologic Process - Stream Table. Volcanism is one of the major geologic processes in the solar system. Skill plan for Amplify Science - 7th grade IXL provides skill alignments with recommended IXL skills for each unit. Geology on MarsLesson 3.1Activity 3 New Information About the Channel on Mars Comparing Triangle-Shaped Landforms on Mars and Earth Channel on Mars 1. All rights reserved. Description. 'Re tria rm. Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? Amplify. Today, you will return to the Investigating Landforms on Venus article to deepen your understanding of how Taras Geryas model helped explain a geologic process that happened on Venus. Their idea was that the higher surface temperature and thinner crust of Venus caused the novae to form. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Lesson 1.3: Investigating a Mystery Object on Mars What is the mysterious object found on Mars? What systems can you think of? Mercury: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Venus: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Earth: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Mars: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Geology on MarsLesson 1.1Activity 3 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Record your observations about the landforms that remain after the wax has stopped flowing. What information would you want to collect from the surface of Mars to help you determine whether the channel was formed by flowing lava or flowing water? Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. (continued) Landform Observations 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Channel on Earth Formed by Flowing Lava 3. A system is a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole. 5. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Homework: Recording Initial Ideas About the Chapter 2 Question Chapter 2 Question: How can we gather more evidence about whether lava or water formed the channel on Mars? He received the Army Commendation Award from Brig. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Reading Investigating Landforms on Venus 1. answer choices . ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Vocabulary habitable reasoning claim landform evidence model geologic process Geology on MarsLesson 3.2 41 2018 The Regents of the University of California. | Learn more about Ashwini Sathnur's work experience, education . (check one) flowing water flowing lava unsure 16 Geology on MarsLesson 1.3Activity 4 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Why might a scientist use a model to answer the question you selected? Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Stream Table Observations: Testing an Idea (continued) Landform Observations 4. What would you add to the diagram to better show Claires idea? Video created by Ms.Valeria for 6th grade students using Amplify content in Unit 1: Geology on MarsChapter 1 Comparing Rocky PlanetsChapter 2 Using Models as. Answer the questions below and refer to the image of the channel on Mars on page 17. Protect your eyes. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Uses the curriculums task cards to create a digital project for students to work independently or in a group on learning about the various spheres on Earth. All rights reserved. Geology on Mars - Amplify DRAFT. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. A mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon. Chapter 3 Question Activity 2 - Screen 1. I think this because . Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? These systems are made up of interacting spheres that can include the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Chapter 3 Question How can we decide which geologic process formed the channel on Mars? 55 Washington Street, Suite 800 Brooklyn, NY 11201 1-800-823-1969 Geology on Mars ISBN: 978-1-64089-548-5 AMP.NA18 Table of Contents 1 3 Safety Guidelines for Science Investigations Geology on Mars Unit Overview 4 Chapter 1: Comparing Earth and Rocky Planets 5 6-7 Chapter Overview 8 Lesson 1.1: Comparing Rocky Planets 9 Units at a glance 2. Geology on Mars Investigation Notebook Start studying Science Amplify:Geology on Mars.. There are two versions of the test that have 17 questions each and cover the same material. You will then use a physical model to gather evidence about what formed the channel on Mars. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Reread the final three paragraphs of the Investigating Landforms on Venus article. All rights reserved. After you look at the background information card, describe the new information you learned. All other assessments, handouts, unit wall cards, evidence cards, background cards, and any other materials that Subjects: Science Grades: 8th, 6th, 7th Types: Assessment $2.00 Digital Download DOCX (1.21 MB) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Channel on Earth Formed by Flowing Lava 3. Mars Evidence Cards Source.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Both claims. Flashcards. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. After you consider how convincing the evidence you have so far is, you will examine new evidence collected by NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars. -Test (80%=1 pt, 90%=2 pt, 100%= 3 pt) Remember, you are looking at the stream table from above (birds-eye view). The scientific idea we tested is (supported/not supported) based on the Flowing Water Model. Surface View from Mars Pathfinder: The scene from the Pathfinder lander shows a windswept plain, sculpted long ago when water flowed out of the martian highlands and into the depression where the spacecraft landed. All rights reserved. 1. Think about how the Flowing Lava Model was similar to and different than real flowing lava and the landforms it forms on Earth. All rights reserved. 2. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Stream Table Observations: Do Landforms Remain? Geology on Mars- Amplify Science Digital Bundle by ScherbieScience 5.0 (1) $30.00 $27.00 Bundle Google Slides Geology on Mars- Amplify Science Digital Review!Lesson 1.1- Students are introduced to the idea that other planets could have been habitable once. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 44 Geology on MarsLesson 3.2Activity 2 2018 The Regents of the University of California. This model will help you test the idea that flowing lava could have formed the channel on Mars. This week's issue. Today, youll get to look at evidence that the Curiosity rover collected on the surface of Mars! Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. All rights reserved. What do you think the answer to this question is, and how does the image you selected support that answer to this question? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Match. The Evidence Gradient. Created by. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Stream Table Observations 1. 5051 Lesson 3.3: Reasoning About Evidence from Mars 52 Warm-Up 53 Reasoning About Evidence from Mars 54 55 Lesson 3.4: Writing an Argument About the Channel on Mars 56 Warm-Up Writing a Scientific Argument About the Channel on Mars 5758 Homework: Reading The Future of Mars Exploration Homework: Reading Canals on Mars? Geology on Mars Glossary H ow can she test this idea in the Flowing Water Model? 3 Analyzing New Evidence . The scientific idea we are testing is _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Landform Formed by Flowing Water Landform Formed by Flowing Lava 1. Landforms can provide evidence about the past because they remain after the geologic processes that formed them stop happening. We will be doing 1, 2 (chem reaction sim. Describe how the two stream tables are set up in order to test this idea. Read the information on each evidence card. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Geology on MarsLesson 3.1Activity 3 39 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? You have been asked to investigate a channel on Mars to see if it was formed by flowing water. Think carefully about what you read. 7th grade . Allow your teacher to work with hot water or hot equipment. What do you notice? Read and analyze Channel on Mars Evidence Card F. 4. Title: GOM_Resource_Print_Materials_8-5x11.pdf Author: Kyle Created Date: 11/8/2018 10:09:07 PM Read and analyze Background Information: Rock Types Card. A supplemental project for Amplify's Geology on Mars unit or a standalone project to complement a geology unit. What did you learn about the channel on Mars from the new NASA data about the rock Curiosity found? Unit Question How can we search for evidence that other planets were once habitable? Click to show more detail. Match. Answer the following questions for your sphere, using evidence from the Comparing Rocky Planets Cards. 3. Evidence Card F Image of Rock Near the Triangle-Shaped Landform A camera on the Curiosity rover took this image near the bottom ot the triangle-shaped landform at the base otthe chant-W on Mars The instruments on Curiosity determined that the rock was made of pebbles and other sediment cemented together to form solid rock. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Jelly Donut Evidence Card Sort 1. Ked -other examples include weathering, erosion, deposition, and sedimentation Landform a feature that forms naturally on the surface of a planet, such as a mountain, channel, or sand dune Your goal is to see the world like an Earth Scientist.Use what you to explain new ideas and to solve problems.Earth Scientists question if there is life beyond . 9781640895607 Amplify Science 7 Matter/Energy in Ecosystems SE Investigation Notebk 2018 2.11 WB 9781640896277 Amplify Science 7 Geology on Mars Spanish Prnt Add-On Kit 2018 153.70 KT 9781640896406 Amplify Science 7 Plate Motion Spanish Prnt Add-On Kit 2018 68.90 KT What happened to the water in the puddle? All rights reserved. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. What did you learn from the background information about rock types? All rights reserved. 2. Geology on MarsLesson 2.1Activity 2 21 2018 The Regents of the University of California. 1 2 READING Finding Evidence 3 Finding Evidence 35 MIN Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Warm-Up The information we have about the channel on Mars has mostly come from satellite images and scientific models. 0 likes. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Geology on MarsLesson 1.1Activity 3 7 2018 The Regents of the University of California. a long, narrow groove that forms where water, lava, or other liquid flows. H ow would you change the Flowing Water Model to make it more like the actual geologic process on Earth? They will compare the 4 rocky planets. However, rovers and landers developed by NASA have made it possible to collect information directly from the surface of Mars. 1 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Vocabulary geologic process landform model Geology on MarsLesson 2.1 19 2018 The Regents of the University of California. How were the novae on Venus similar to the landforms in Geryas computer model? Other Tongues, Other Flesh By George Hunt Williamson George Hunt Williamson served with the Army Air Corps during World War II as Radio Director for the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command. Learn. GEOLOGY ON MARS Unit 1 - Chapter 1-2 1.2: Observing the Surfaces of Mars and Earth Comparing Rocky Planets Log on to Amplify -Geology on Mars -Chapter 1.2 In a moment, you will watch a video made by other students about the Earth system. How was the Flowing Lava Model different than flowing lava on Earth? As you answer the questions below, refer to the image of the channel on Mars on page 17. One essential requirement for life is water. channel. You will record your questions and ideas as you read, and youll have a chance to discuss your thoughts about the article with others. Find the IXL skills that are right for you below! -Write (Completed/Finished) Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Homework: Could Mars Have Been Habitable? Rate how successful you were at using Active Reading skills by responding to the following statement: As I read, I paid attention to my own understanding and recorded my thoughts and questions. ErinScience. Thank you for taking the time to review Amplify Science for grades 6-8. . Think about what's missing. We will be doing 1, taking notes on vocab. Through the lesson, students will also learn about ecotourism, sustainable tourism and the environmental impact of tourism. A planet is habitable if it has the conditions necessary to support life. Claim 2: Flowing lava formed the channel on Mars. 1. All rights reserved. After you read, discuss what you have read with others to help you better understand the text. 3. On her way to school one day, she saw a puddle in the road. As you read, annotate the text to make a record of your thinking. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Safety Guidelines for Science Investigations 1. However, Claire's diagram is incomplete. 55 Washington Street, Suite 800 Brooklyn, NY 11201 1-800-823-1969 Geology on Mars ISBN: 978-1-64089-548-5 AMP.NA18 -Spell (Completed/Finished) Please do the following: All rights reserved. He was a member of the AAFTTC Headquarters Staff. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________ New Information About the Channel on Mars (continued) 4. This will keep you safe and comfortable during science class. There are two versions of the test that have 17 questions each and cover the same material. All rights reserved. 1. Channel on Mars 1. Today youll read an article about unique landforms found on the surface of Venus. 18 Geology on MarsChapter 2 2018 The Regents of the University of California. Amplify - Geology on Mars. What ideas do you have about what happened to the puddle? Models represent the natural processes being investigated in important ways, but they are not exactly the same. 2. 3. Chapter 1 Question What geologic process could have formed the channel on Mars? It changed many scientists' thinking about the possibility of water on Mars and of its habitability. Tell your teacher if you have allergies. What did you learn from the background information about this type of channel? Key Concepts When landforms on different rocky planets look similar, it is evidence that they may have been formed by the same geologic process. 20 MIN. Channel on Mars Evidence Gradient Claim 1 Claim 2 Flowing water formed the channel on Mars. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. In their role as student planetary geologists working to investigate the planet Mars, students investigate whether a particular channel on Mars was caused by flowing water or flowing lava. ), 4, and another worksheet to practice modeling atoms. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Geology on MarsLesson 1.3Activity 1 2018 The Regents of the University of California. She developed a claim that water flowing over sand will create a curved and winding channel. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Geology on MarsLesson 2.3Activity 2 33 2018 The Regents of the University of California. The diagram to better show Claires idea evidence model geologic process formed the channel on.. Vocabulary habitable reasoning claim landform evidence model geologic process on Earth formed by Flowing water?! These annotations, mark them as discussed.txt ) or view presentation slides online the evidence you discussed... Than Flowing lava model different than real Flowing lava 3 ) or view presentation online... 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