PDF. Please share your suggestions via our question box. Socially: collaboration accelerates the creation of new knowledge much faster than solo effort. Teachers finishing their first year faced additional struggles as they scrambled to move their teaching online . We bring together exceptional people to learn and pursue knowledge at the highest levels. (Again, pending EMT hurricane guidance.). That I will do my best to continue to support them and their families as we wade through uncharted territory. You will receive a confirmation once you have been subscribed. With that in mind, I wanted to provide an update about what to expect in the coming days. Please contact the Dean of Students Office for assistance. As teachers close out the school year without the hugs, the in-person celebrations and even without the physical walk across the stage, one thing remains: the vision and hope from teachers to their beloved students. Group Gatherings. International students will be notified by email about specific testing requirements. In some cases, due to student and/or course requirements, exams are proctored. Extending the time between phases of return allows us to welcome new students in our community safely, helping them form connections. Expanding W&M's reach, educating for impact and evolving to excel. It is equally disruptive for faculty and staff. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Start and end dates for the Mason School of Business, the School of Education and the Law School vary by program and can be found on the, Students enrolled in remote courses who live within 30 miles of campus (with limited exceptions for students enrolled in certain graduate programs), Students who may be coming to the campus, yet arent in any of the groups listed above, may choose to opt-in for the testing. It has been moving, and heartening, to listen as this unprecedented shift has taken place. We take care of each other. One common theme of emails to me this week: there is overwhelming support for postponing decisions on Commencement 2020. As previously noted, we strongly advise all students to physically leave campus if they can. "Thank you very much for doing that video. Please read the, Freshman and sophomore students are still required to live on campus. Thank you for standing with William & Mary. William & Mary has faced profound adversities before and flourished. Start and end dates will remain as published on the University Registrars website. An inventory of extremely large non-academic spaces available for instruction in the fall, so that physical distancing of eight feet on center can be maintained for up to 80 students in one room. While many students are complying with the rules and regulations set forth in our Healthy Together Community Commitment,too many are not. After July 31: information will be provided next week by the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Human Resources Officer on the specifics of how we will assess return to work timelines based on the university's mission and areas of work. Introduction. Peggy Agouris, ProvostGinger Ambler, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dear William & Mary Community,Even as we move through the exam period for the spring semester, William & Mary is actively planning for the year ahead. W&Ms leadership will bring our best thinking to when and how we can come together in this important ceremony of passage perhaps in summer, or fall. Since early August we have seen that the vast majority of students, faculty and staff are fully committed to doing what is required to safeguard one another. The global novel coronavirus pandemic has William & Mary exploring how best to acknowledge the necessary changes to our current learning and working environments. Further details may be found below. So I write to provide some answers and let you know how to find additional information. We can do this but only if we are ALL IN together. Our goal is to host a grand celebration in May 2021 for the Class of 2020, with all the joy and the cherished traditions that make W&M Commencements special. We hope you will participate willingly, but need to advise you that failure to follow testing instructions may result in disciplinary action. We are working with real-time information, assessing current conditions and predictions for future trends with expert advice guidance from authorities in infectious disease, epidemiology and our regional public health partners. Stay tuned for more information on the return-to-campus testing requirements. We recognize the stress this uncertainty places on students, families, faculty, staff and the communities we belong to. To that end, the university has developed a series of training videos to teach the community about COVID-19 and how to protect ourselves and others in a campus environment. Universities around the country will be facing similar challenges. The spring course schedule will include in-person, blended and fully-remote sections, as the fall semester did. Do not come to campus if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or have been asked by state or local health officials to self-quarantine. This week, we have also made progress on key decisions regarding room, board, and parking costs. All other students should delay their return. Our mission calls us to convene together, and we have all explicitly committed to supporting that mission in this time. Student must maintain a 6-foot physical distance when interacting with people other than those with whom they share their immediate living unit. Thank you again for your patience as William & Mary finalized the policy and processes that enabled us to issue student rebates. While the governor loosened some restrictions, William & Marys requirements remain in place, to minimize spread of the COVID-19 virus: So far, your compliance with these basic requirements has resulted in a limited number of positive cases in the community. Volunteers at William & Mary must provide this critical support remotely. Kimberley is a Creative Director at WeAreTeachers. During the first lockdown in Spring 2020, teachers, students and parents had to face the challenge of maintaining learning processes via remote schooling in Germany, as in almost all European countries ().Short-term modifications without sufficient experience were necessary and forced all providers and . of Education. Heres what they said: Out of the hundreds of teachers who told us what they wanted students to know, 100% started by saying they miss them. Our fall calendar anticipated a winter surge and the urgent need we face now, nationally, to minimize every path of transmission for COVID-19. Please reach out to the graduating students around you and support them. 23 September 2020. As we welcome new students into the William & Mary community and formally start classes, the excitement of a new academic year is palpable. Thank you for your resilience and kindness and for being a constant in a time of rapid change. We will continue to work through these and other consequential steps in measured ways. Employees who test positive for COVID-19 will be expected to isolate and retest with a negative result before returning to work. Please continue to save September 25-27, 2020, on your calendar and expect to receive more details regarding a schedule of virtual events via email, social media and our website as the summer progresses. We want to try to do something," he recalled. Kick a ball around. During the social distancing of COVID-19, we have been looking for ways to stay in close contact with you. Not having been able to say goodbye weighs on many. Kimberley Gorelik on March 27, 2020 If your students can't hear you correct their grammar, are you even teaching? Prevalence testing on campus allows us to track spread. BU Today staff. "You are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." A. We continue to move forward in a phased way: focusing on adaptations and flexibility, to mitigate risk to health, while ensuring we can sustain W&Ms mission of teaching, learning, and research. The Commencement Committee will send additional, detailed communications in the coming weeks to degree candidates and families. I did the best I could to get my work done. We continue to place first priority on the health of our community. In times of coronavirus, inspirational quotes that will help you understand, 'this too shall pass' By Rekha Balakrishnan May 02, 2021 , Updated on : Sun May 02 2021 01:31:31 GMT+0000 On National Teacher Day, here are 15 inspiring quotes for teachers during the pandemic, courtesy of Parade and Teach Thought. Read the descriptions of high-level categories for course delivery: By looking up course attributes in Banner, students will be able to craft a fully remote schedule for the fall semester if that is their preference. The August on-campus move-in dates for the following groups of students are not affected by this adjustment. We determined that the logistics company Kallaco and its CLIA-Certified lab partners, including Opteo, provided the best balance of things we needed: high-quality clinical testing laboratories (CLIA is the gold standard); volume of tests available for those laboratories, and turnaround times. Otherwise, we will assume that you do not wish to donate at this time, and you will receive the rebate credit. We are here with you. So teachers want students to know that they should stay home and stay safe so that everything can return to normal as quickly as possible. I wish you a safe and productive semester. We will continue to add to this calendar overview so all students have the dates that are most critical to planning for fall. So this email aims to add clarity where we are able. Employees will access the series through Cornerstone Learning. Masks must be worn outside unless you are engaged in an activity where you can consistently maintain a distance of 6 feet from others. Those habits will be the key to a successful in-person fall semester at W&M. Compliance with these requirements is mandatory for this period. The health and safety protocols were currently maintaining are helping to limit the spread of COVID-19 in W&Ms close-knit community. Staff at Richmond Hall will assist with your move-in, providing transportation as appropriate. The Student Health Center remains open to students by appointment only. Please click here to consult with us. As we head into the weekend, I write to those of you who continue to act in selfish ways thatput our in-person semester at risk. (Photo: Natalie Wieland). We know our graduates and families want to be able to gather freely, in large numbers for everything from the Candlelight Ceremony and Walk Across Campus, to our formal exercises themselves. May we each commit to doing our part to mitigate risk, to actively demonstrate our care for the physical and emotional well-being of others, and to complete a successful year together. Against the unpredictable environment of COVID-19, we will do everything we can to continue to provide as much certainty as we can. We and our VCU Health partners actively pursued due diligence from the beginning and continue to do so. The modules are mandatory viewing for both students and employees on all of our campuses and properties as you return over the next several weeks. We asked students, faculty, and staff to email us their thank-you notes to those who have helped, supported, or encouraged them. School districts and schools should also support the social, emotional, and mental health needs of all staff. As we move forward, the goals we shared last week remain our north star: 1) to safeguard the health of students, faculty and staff; 2) to ensure students complete their classes; 3) to maintain the universitys research and other operations; 4) to do everything within our power to support national and global efforts to slow the spread of the disease. Changing near-term plans and longstanding habits requires time, effort and patience. If you still have questions, please submit a comment so that we may address any concerns and update our FAQs accordingly. With added pandemic pressure, grades are bound to slip. As I said in last weeks Town Hall, W&M students bring a special and very powerful commitment to building community. May 2020 planning for fall 2020 and beyond. A university-wide policy on travel reimbursements is posted online. An outstanding university workforce is built slowly, over time, to achieve the quality of expertise and human understanding and the commitment to community that distinguishes W&M faculty and staff. Some teachers left because of the challenges of teaching during a pandemic, while others were fearful they would contract Covid-19 and some were offered higher-paying jobs. Our commitment to each other is especially critical this weekend and in the week ahead as a new cohort of 1600+ students join our in-person community. Questions About COVID-19 Response. Our dearest wish was to celebrate your Commencement in-person and on campus in October. Marjorie Thomas, Dean of StudentsMark Hofer, Director of the Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation. to date, no student on campus has tested positive, state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic, Read the descriptions of high-level categories for course delivery, detailed plans for Check-In and New Student Orientation, All generative questions and ideas are welcome, Flourishing during Unexpected, Uncertain, and Unwanted Change, https://www.wm.edu/offices/wellness/ohp/general-wellness/silvercloud/, https://www.wm.edu/offices/it/remoteresources/index.php, monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, support for the online instructional, remote learning, Undergraduate Residence Halls close on November 25 at 10 a.m. Be sure to carefully review the, Remaining on campus after November 25 at 10 a.m. is not an option, Students living in the Graduate Complex or Tribe Square are permitted to remain in their current apartment, but must verify they are staying via the, Spring semester course delivery attributes will be in Banner by Friday, November 13. Testing is an important part of the multiple strategies W&M uses to safeguard the health of students and employees by reducing transmission on campus. Honorlock's certified proctors and W&M's faculty are able to review test session videos until deleted based on the university's retention policy. We continue to be guided first and foremost by the advice of our local health authorities. Self-quarantine and testing schedules will be updated to reflect new return dates. In light of this evolving public health context, we are adjusting our phased return to campus correspondingly, so as to mitigate risk to the health of students, staff, faculty and neighbors. The university is providing support for the online instructional, remote learning and technology needs of faculty, students and staff. Next week we will also share our expectations about work conditions after June 10, based on the Governors evolving guidance. Our staff has kept the university running apace, rapidly adapting to new technologies and workflows and providing round-the-clock care to support our students health and wellbeing. Immediately isolate yourself in your residence and contact your health services provider. We know how challenging learning has been during the pandemic. Employees are expected to continue working during this period, observing proper health protocols and with modifications as needed and approved by supervisors. The full Board will meet electronically on Tuesday, May 12th.President Katherine Rowe and the senior leadership team briefed us on the various efforts across campus to respond to the crisis and prepare for the future. Detailed information about the schedule of Commencement events will be shared early in the spring semester. The deadline for residential undergraduate students to select a meal plan was July 8. Here Are Messages to Students During Covid 19 From Teachers Topic: School Culture & Colleagues, Supporting Students Life & Wellbeing Here's What I Want My Students to Know When We're Not Together We miss you, we miss you, we miss you. I write to share updates on telework (below) as well as additional details now on our website about fall planning, including: W&M is part of an active effort to partner with the Commonwealth on a testing network anchored in our three VA university medical centers: VCU, UVA, and VT. Our testing and other public health protocols are based on ongoing epidemiological modeling with those centers. We make these decisions in conjunction with the advice of local health authorities, recognizing that the Peninsula Health District, in which our main campus resides, has a dense concentration of positive COVID-19 test results now including individuals on our campus. Thank you for your patience as we continue to work diligently to ensure a safe and successful fall semester. Teaching is hard, but we can relate. . I am pleased to offer you a link to the W&M Student Rebate portal, where you will find individual information on your personal housing, meal and parking rebates as well as your dining dollars refund. What a fall this has been! "You are only confined by the walls you build yourself." Andrew Murphy. Classes will resume via online and distance platforms on Monday, March 23. She returned to her classroom to pack up the belongings her students left behind. More information about access and hours during that window will be shared at a later date. To plan your vaccine, head to NBC's Plan Your Vaccine site at PlanYourVaccine.com. As we navigate cost-saving measures, our mission remains our north star. A lot of my students arent able to get online to be able to get the internet to do the stuff, she added. Student Affairs is finalizing a process to consider exceptions for students who have compelling personal circumstances for returning to campus as part of the initial group in August. In acting now, we hope to allow you as much time as possible to prepare and respond. Katherine A. Rowe, PresidentGinger Ambler, Vice President for Student Affairs. We are especially grateful for the partnership and shared purpose of Student Assembly President Kelsey Vita 20 and the entire SA leadership team. More information on privacy can be found on. I want to acknowledge how much we are asking of all employees, whatever your roles. The COVID-19 pandemic creates a unique challenge for our students, their families, faculty and staff as we strive to meet our educational mission. If you have signed up for direct deposit, funds will be credited to your selected bank account. We will also use this as an opportunity to weave into the conversations many of the questions we have been hearing. Please know how much each of these gestures lifts our spirits. Cognitively: studying together speeds and deepens learning in myriad ways. Questions can still be submitted to us at COVIDResponse@wm.edu. The May planning process described below aligns with similar planning at Virginias public higher education institutions and with the Dept. Large student gatherings of any kind both on- and off-campusare not permitted. November 18, 2021. As William & Mary expands student and employee testing for COVID-19, we wanted to offer guidance to the community about what to do in the case of a positive result and introduce you to the new case management system. I miss them. We ask everyone in our university community to aid in this effort by embracing the actions below. As a result, some local students will be chosen to conduct a test at the clinic at 332 N. Henry Street. Plus, her advice to students who might have a little more time with stay-at-home orders is to pay special attention to fostering relationships. At-will testing will be offered to students as they leave for the semester, as an additional precaution for their home communities. Next week I will launch a swift, cross-university planning process to build scenarios for in-person learning on campus in Fall 2020 and beyond. ET on Friday, Aug. 14 to ensure that no holds are put on their accounts. As the economic picture becomes clearer, in the coming weeks and months, we will keep the community apprised of further steps that may be needed to safeguard W&Ms financial health and the financial health of those in our community. All testing and distancing protocols will remain in effect. by. no outside visitors, limitations on gatherings, social distancing and mask-wearing both inside and outdoors. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the best in many peoplepeople who have shown compassion and empathy and offered a helping hand to others during this extraordinary time. Walk the dog. Because safeguarding the health of our community is a central concern, we (in consultation with our VCU Health System partners) considered several options to meet these different requirements. Ginger Ambler88, Ph.D. 06Vice President for Student Affairs. "Just keep swimming." Dory, Finding Nemo. our actionswillbe swift anddirectfor those who arent following theguidelineswe have in place. When it's dark, look for stars. COVID-19 testing for those employees required to show negative tests before return to campus will continue as scheduled. We remain committed to the four goals shared last week and will continue to support those students who are unable to leave campus. We are managing returning student room change requests as we can. Active cases within the student population will be monitored through the Student Health Center under guidance from the Center's medical director. They can join an 'open group' room where they work together with mics and cameras on. Thus, I write to share decisions regarding the universitys operations for the remainder of the semester. I am confident we will be able to create a strong and supportive community. William & Mary employees are preparing for students to return to campus in early August. Please read through all information, which includes: We recognize that this fall semester will feel very different for us all. We are guided by four key goals: safeguarding the health of students, faculty and staff; ensuring students complete their classes; maintaining the universitys research and other operations; and joining in the national effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, to protect our communities, from Williamsburg to DC and beyond. We have heard the concerns expressed by many students and faculty about this falls compressed semester. Please join us on Friday to hear more about how this week unfolded, from teachers and students perspectives. Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook. The reasons educators gave for these stress-related feelings could be divided into two buckets. As with the fall semester, students are expected to quarantine eight days prior to returning to campus to minimize potential exposure to COVID-19. Over the past week, we have been heartened by so many stories of students, faculty, staff, neighbors and alumni reaching out to support each other. Thank you for your patience and support as we move through these challenging days together. We are deeply cognizant of the financial vulnerability felt by our students and families and we will continue to provide support, beginning with the following actions. I am proud of each and every one of you. Tressa S. We know being home (in sometimes tight quarters) is tough on everyone, so now is the time to dig deep and be kind. Violations of this personal commitment endanger our collective well-being and will result indisciplinary action. This is an incredibly challenging time. At W&M, we take care of one another. Letter #3. You will be able to quickly register your opinion by responding to the text with a yes/no or numerical value. Face coverings must be used when interaction with others precludes physical distancing, such as conferring with colleagues, advising students, etc. Set the table and do the dishes. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the 90 days prior to your return, please fill out the form at, As COVID-19 vaccine testing and deployment accelerates, the Virginia Department of Health is developing a protocol to administer inoculation across the Commonwealth. We anticipated a 72-hour maximum turnaround time in determining when to mail the test kits to you. Students who need accessibility accommodations to fully participate in the fall semester campus housing, curricular offerings, etc. positivity supporting others 20 inspirational quotes to lift you up Published on January 31, 2019 Updated on February 10, 2023 Having a bad day? W&M menuResources for. In 2020, they also have to deal with. For now, on behalf of my colleagues on the Board, I want to recognize the incredible leadership and efforts by each of you.We have faced many challenges throughout our 327-year history. May the holidays bring respite, companionship, and joy that we have reached this season together. We have always enforced violations of our codes affecting the university community, from the nations oldest student-led honor system to the universitys conduct system. They require dedication and sacrifice from our students, faculty and staff. Honorlock is an online remote proctoring service that allows students to take exams from home. Case managers will be assigned after you have completed the intake form at ReportCOVID.wm.edu. Find Life & Wellbeing resources on We Are Teachers - Page 1 of 35. With the exception ofOctober 19, when well start at 9:00 AM, testing will be available for students from 7:30 a.m. 4:00p.m.each day. An archive of messages sent to William & Mary students about the university's plans and policies responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. "With every book, you go back to school. Rebate amounts for meal plans reflect adjustments for university costs incurred. Provost Agouris and the deans have encouraged teachers to approach this transition as a period of discovery, with students as our chief partners. Honorlock is FERPA compliant and uses securely encrypted protocols to save and view all test \-taker assets. Please opt-in by filling out the subscription form. Therefore, William & Mary is taking the following measures to advance the health and safety of our entire campus community while we continue to provide high quality teaching, learning, and co-curricular experiences for our students and conduct essential research. First, I want to thank you for your continued patience as the university finalizes the details that will allow us to issue student rebates. As we transition into the new school year, the task for educators in the coming weeks and months is to help children reflect, refocus, and move forward. More will be needed in the weeks ahead. Youll exit using a different door, adjacent to your testing station. Richmond Hall is also identified for housing any on-campus students with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis. Please note new hours for the Post Office in Sadler and the Student Health Center: Dining Services. Our goal is to be able to resume learning in-person in the fall, so long as it is safe to do so. I hope you lift people up. William & Marys Public Health Advisory Team and the COVID-19 Response Team continue to closely follow local, regional, state and national developments during the pandemic. For employees who do not have computer access, we will work with supervisors to make the training available to you. Try these tips to help you create custom messages to share with your guests. This must be done in time slots, as the housing assignment system can only manage a specific number of people using it at a given time. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. For employees, they will help transition to remote work or leave, coordinate notification to departments and arrange cleaning and disinfecting. Connect with your friends in small groups, outside (where the ventilation is good), and with masks on. Use these COVID classroom rules posters and cards to teach your students how to stay safe in the classroom as we head back to school after the Coronavirus. Telework through July 31: current restrictions and/or guidelines for telework, campus events and on-campus building access continue. UNICEF. If you have not signed up for direct deposit, a check will be sent to your mailing address. As we continue making decisions with the best information available, adjustments like the ones announced today will be part of the semester. We are so proud of this community and the way it has shown its heart from small acts of kindness to larger efforts in response to COVID-19.