Note that it is possible to skip Phase 4 altogether by having high raid DPS, meaning you may not need the Warlock tank. Your raid will need at least 3 tanks in order to take Illidan down 1 of them needs to be a Protection Warrior or Protection Paladin, while the other 2 tanks will require high Fire Resistance, capped if possible. Cast every ~90 seconds. Periodically, the tank has to move to get out of Flame Crash. The main thing you need to do is make sure you have sufficient Shadow resistance to be able to tank him as Illidan continually blasts you with heavy Shadow damage. Tanking Illidan as a Warlock is actually rather simple and you do not need to do much to do it. If you're tanking the second one it's recommended to be FR capped (365). Fittingly for such an iconic character and the last boss of the entire raid tier, Illidan is arguably the most difficult fight of the Black Temple raid, and certainly the most mechanically complex, with several different mechanics that players have to handle in unique ways. There is nothing to do about it than heal through. Phases 1, 3 and 5 are fairly straightforward. Uncaged Wrath, wiping the raid. Illidan can be considered a difficult boss, as he has multiple different phases which require vastly different strategies. Protection Warriors offer tremendous utility during this fight anyway, as they can greatly reduce Illidans damage output with their Demoralizing Shout & Thunder Clap, so it will be good for you to have one here, even if they arent main tanking. Since the HP reduction in Patch 3.0.2, it is possible to kill Illidan without him ever switching to demon form (Phase 4). Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Be wary, friends. @SJPD_PIO. Please add any available information to this section. They're increased to 5%. Maiev Shadowsong and drag the boss over it to stun him for a brief time. The enchanted Soulguard set on its own will net you 236 Shadow Resistance. Phase Three is exactly the same as Phase One, except the raid should now be However, it is possible to skip Phase 4 if your raid has decent DPS, so in practice the Shadow Resistance tank may not be needed though it will always be a good idea to have one just in case. can be dodged, parried, or blocked, but it cannot miss. 1. Illidan Stormrage, the Betrayer, needs no introduction, being arguably the most famous character in the entire Warcraft franchise, next to the other big bad, Arthas, the Lich King. About 80 seconds into the phase and every 40 seconds thereafter, Illidan puts a Dark Barrage on a random raid member. Phase 3 can transition into 2 different phases: Illidan targets a random player in the raid. defeated. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot. Mother Shahraz on random raid members, be sure to quickly top them up. Throughout the fight there are random damage-over-time debuffs being placed DISCLAIMER Where your raid would stack up so as to maximize the benefit of raid healing in Phase 1, in Phase 3 you will want everyone to spread out, and be more than 5 yards away from other players. Tanks will Illidan himself hits extremely hard, so their life will already be pretty difficult, so here is a condensed explanation of how to deal with them: Your main tank will always be the only person getting hit by Draw Soul if youre executing the strategy right. At Warcraft Tavern were huge fans of World of Warcraft. He will stun the entire raid with Most know me as Baranor, the ret paladin guy, but I'm secretly a druid main, don't tell anyone. your tanks are likely wearing Fire resistance gear and will deal lower threat The Flame of Azzinoth enrages, gaining 500% increased attack speed and 200% increased movement speed indefinitely. As far as Phase 2 Fire Resistance tanks go, any class works. Think you need above 350ish (buffed) for that fight. High Warlord Naj'entus While multiple classes can do this task well enough, Warlocks will be significantly better than most, thanks to their ability to deal high threat with Searing Pain, their Fel Armor increasing the healing they receive, as well as the higher stamina naturally found on their tier gear. Your healers will likely not have a good time here, but if theyre skilled enough, the first part of Phase 4 wont be too bad. This makes him significantly more dangerous, as your tank will now take a lot more damage, while your raid healers will need to heal a lot more, with Parasitic Shadowfiend and Agonizing Flames both dealing 50% more damage. During Phase 4, Illidan will no longer use any of his previous abilities, instead gaining brand new abilities and a massive 500% boost to his physical damage done, which is why you require a ranged player (typically a Warlock) to tank him. Flame Crash - Illidan jumps up high and lands in a patch of blue flame directly underneath his current position. You can now tell your friends and family that you were indeed prepared! As gear gets better, a paladin aura or shaman totem should suffice. Fast reaction is crucial if the target cannot use a damage avoiding ability like [Feign Death], [Ice Block], [Divine Shield] etc. This boss does very high tank damage, so be healing the tank at all times. For the remainder of the encounter, Illidan periodically unleashes the power of the demonic force within him, using those dark powers to assault his foes, before returning to his natural form. should be playing safe and aiming to survive. San Jose first explored safe parking programs in 2019 at the Seven Trees Community Center parking lot. Feral Druids unfortunately have no way of consistently reaching this amount of avoidance, and will thus be unable to main tank this fight. accordingly. Players inside the flames will take 5000 Fire damage every 2 seconds. Illidan deals to 3238 to 3762 Fire damage to the raid, and every player within 5 yards of each player. That damage starts off relatively weak, at 1200 damage every 5 seconds, but increases by 1200 every 3 ticks causing the last 3 ticks to deal 4800 damage each. The easiest way to do so will be to have the afflicted player run up to your melee DPS and directly behind Illidan, so your DPS players can kill them with their the AoE spells they were already using, such as Whirlwind, Multi-Shot and Chain Lightning. In addition to Best in Slot gear guides, Wowhead has also prepared Fire Resistance guides for tanks, a Shadow Resistance guide for Mother Shahraz, and a Warlock Tanking Gear Guide for the Illidan Stormrage encounter. Tanks: Fire Resistance Tanks need fire resist for Illidan's Flames of Azzinoth (there's 2 Flames which means we need at least 2 FR geared tanks). They can start moving as soon as they see the Flame Blasts flame breath-ish animation, but they should be careful to not move too much and fill the arena with fire too quickly. Teron Gorefiend ago. The last ability that you will have to deal with during Phase 2 is Dark Barrage. Illidan has no (known) hard Enrage timer. Phase 4 plays completely differently to every other phase, and your raid will have to position as follows: There is a threat reset at the start of this phase to facilitate the necessity of switching a tank. While in Demon Form, Leotheras's primary attack is Chaos Blast, an AoE spell which deals 1675 base fire damage and applies a stacking debuff that increases fire damage taken by 1675 per stack. attackable and engage your raid. Also, comment below what you want to see next!My curr. (lore) For that reason, your raid should aim to kill the Shadowfiends ASAP. Furthermore, you should make sure a healing reduction debuff effect is up on Illidan at all times, such as Mortal Strike, Wound Poison or Aimed Shot. Illidan Stormrage is a longer fight with many Your melee DPS should be stacked up on top of each other, similar to the other groups. of fire, and anyone debuffed by Parasitic Shadowfiend will run to the ANY raid member is more than 25 yards away from either Blade of Azzinoth, You've wasted too much time mortals, now you shall fall! Since Eye Beam cannot happen at the same time as Fireball, it's safe for the melee group to move close to one of the other groups to avoid it. Its was also useful when fighting Mages or Warlocks who leaned toward fire-based spells. 30 to 40 seconds into Phase 4, Illidan will summon 4 Shadow Demons. Resistable spells Hunter: Explosive Trap, Immolation Trap Mage: Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flamestrike, Pyroblast, Dragon's Breath multiple different phases which require vastly different strategies. Every player in your raid, including the Warlock tank, will need to be more than 20 yards away from Illidan in order to avoid Shadow Blast splash damage, while also being more than 5 yards away from every other player in order to avoid Flame Burst splash damage. Phase 5 Illidan will Enrage temporarily, greatly increasing Two tanks wearing Fire Resistance gear are required for this fight for Phase Your tank will need to use major defensive cooldowns to survive this Enrage. Your remaining healers will all need to raid heal here, as raid damage will be very high, and itd be beneficial to have a single healer assigned to healing the Dark Barrage target as their main priority. When you get Illidan down to 30%, he will trap the entire raid in his Shadow Prison, stunning all of you for 30 seconds, as he taunts you for not being angry enough or whatever. From that point on, you could choose to use Nights End enchanted with Enchant Cloak Greater Shadow Resistance, or Medallion of Karabor along with an old helmet with the Glyph of Shadow Warding enchant; those combinations give you to 291 and 296 Shadow Resistance respectively, or 361 / 366 after the Prayer of Shadow Protection buff, with the cap being 365. The only resistance you need for Black Temple is Shadow resist for the Mother Shahraz fight. Equip: Each time you cast a spell, there is chance you will gain up to 80 Versatility for 15 sec. Phase 2 begins with Illidan flying off and throwing his glaives at the ground near the grate in the middle of the room, with one on the west side, and the other on the east side. at once. After Illidan is trapped, they can help DPS with Wrath, Smite & Lightning Bolt. Your ranged DPS and healers will never have to worry about it, as none of the patterns travel through the middle, where they should be standing. Use: Shows the location of all nearby demons on the minimap until cancelled. He targets a random player in your raid, and deals 2550 to 3450 Fire damage to them and any other player within 10 yards of the original target. Players can remove it with Divine Shield, Ice Block and Cloak of Shadows; other classes will need to use their Master Healthstone & get massive healing from a dedicated healer or two in order to survive it. The easiest way to do so will be by having the infected player move behind Illidan, alongside your melee players the high amount of AoE spells that players naturally use, such as Whirlwind, Multi-Shot and Chain Lightning, will usually result in them dying right away. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time. It can help if you slow them down with abilities like Frost Trap and Cone of Cold. A subreddit dedicated to San Jos, California, the heart of the Silicon Valley. Since the tanks must avoid to stand in Blaze patches, they must keep moving. Illidan wields his Warglaives at the start of the encounter, infecting foes with Parasitic Shadowfiend. Illidan throws his glaives at the ground near the circular grate in the middle of the Temple Summit one one the east side, and one on the west side. Positioning becomes a bit easier by using the /range 5 command on raid boss addons like DBM. Therefore only tanks and melee damage dealers have to take care. Aim to keep up either InriSejenus 6 mo. This Illidan uses this ability every ~40 seconds. Mobikon-atiesh February 19, 2021, 10:02pm #17 Here's what the Moonkin Form ability reads: Shapeshift into Moonkin Form. Phase Five starts when Illidan reaches 30%. Melee DPS will want to spread out into multiple groups behind the boss Yes, Bears and Moonkin give Auras. want to avoid being hit by Shear, tanks and melee should avoid patches Agonizing Flames makes Phase 3 slightly different to Phase 1. Have your Shadow Resistance tank stay at max range away from the boss and With sufficient DPS, you may only see it once during Phase 2, but most groups will likely see it 2-3 times. Your DPS players should be using flasks, buff food, etc for this fight. Illidan Stormrage Strategy Guide (Black Temple), Enchant Cloak Greater Shadow Resistance. Your raid should assume the following positions in that time: Phase 3 is basically Phase 1 with the addition of just one new ability, Agonizing Flames, a powerful DoT that gets applied to every player within 5 yards of Illidans randomly picked target. 60% and you will most likely die to the next autoattack. Illidan uses it every 25 to 30 seconds, so twice every Phase 3/5, so youll barely even notice it if youre spread out enough. After a 1.5 second cast, Illidan applies a debuff to his current target, reducing their maximum HP by 60% for 7 seconds. That player will take 3000 Shadow damage per second, for a total of 30,000 Shadow damage over the Barrages duration. Cast every 10 seconds, and is always paired with Blaze. Illidan kneels down and casts The Demon Within, turning him into a Demon. (lore). Classic WoW is my jam, with a passion for PvP. "You must gather your party before venturing forth". Additionally, Maiev Shadowsong enters the battle. It is recommended that you have at least 5-6 healers for this fight, with a good balance of tank healing classes like Holy Paladins and Restoration Druids, and AoE healing classes like Restoration Shamans and Holy Priests. When below 30%, he switches between Phases 5 and 4. Furthermore, when the debuff expires 2 Parasitic Shadowfiends will spawn at that players location. A few seconds later, a Flame of Azzinoth monster will spawn next to each glaive. The only player affected should be the tank. Illidan will stay in Phase 5 for 60 seconds, then transform into his Demon Form, starting Phase 4, before transitioning back to Phase 5 60 seconds later. While your raid is fighting the Flames of Azzinoth, Illidan will be throwing a barrage of Fireballs at you. tutorial on everything you need to know to be prepared for this foe. member and dealing splash damage to any allies standing near each other. 4 Tanks must be used for his encounter: a Warrior in his normal gear, 2 offtanks in optimized fire protection gear and a warlock tank with shadow protection gear. At the start of Phase Two, Illidan throws his warglaives As your tanks are preoccupied with tanking the Flames, they might not be able to notice the Eye Blast headed their way, so a ranged player in your raid with a better vantage point should be prepared to call out on voice which tank the beam is headed for. This phase is arguably the most difficult phase in the fight, along with Phase 4, which you are ideally going to skip. This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to be fully prepared for this fight, finally bringing Illidans reign of terror to an end. Your DPS players can use their 2 or 3 minute personal DPS cooldowns here, since theyll likely have them again when theyre needed (in Phases 3, or 4/5) but save cooldowns longer than that. Illidan should point away from the raid at all times so that Draw Soul can only hit the tank. The rest of your raid will treat this phase as a tank and spank for all intents and purposes. They cannot simply be around each other they need to stack right on top of each other, with every single member of each group being more than 10 yards away from members of other groups. From the point where Illidan kneels down, the warlock tank should set up quite a distance away in one direction, while the melee group should move far away in the other direction (melee cannot DPS Illidan during this phase, as Shadow Blast and Aura of Dread make it impossible to move into range). ability must never hit you without blocking, or your max HP will be reduced by like to know what specializations the loot from Gurtogg Bloodboil should be Warlock players may also need a lot of Shadow Resistance if they are designated to be the ranged tank for Illidan Stormrage in the same instance. dealing very high Shadow damage to his target and anyone within 20 yards of the Arguably the most difficult Phase in the illidan fire resist gear, along with Phase 4 which. To his target and anyone within 20 yards of the encounter, foes! A Demon, California, the heart of the encounter, infecting foes with Shadowfiend! 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