("We Are Both"), Emma learns Cora is Regina's mother, and is discouraged by Mary Margaret from speaking to her any further. Near nighttime, they decide to camp out. ("Heartless"), When Regina wants to confront the Queen for casting the sleeping curse on Snow and David, Emma persuades her it won't do any good and that she needs to be there for Henry. As a trade, Pan lives, but Henry will die. The couple convince Henry they are just lying down while Emma awkwardly excuses herself. Strangely, the Snow Queen, out of recognition, calls Emma by name. I'll call you back as soon as I can. He takes her to a road in the woods and confronts Emma with the truththat she is the savior and must save everyone from the curse. ("Sisters"), Soon after Regina lets Zelena go to Hades, the heroes are approached by the Underworld lord for help, because Zelena is being ransomed by Mr. Gold and Peter Pan. And in spite of her parents' allegations against Regina, along with the mounting evidence and testimonies, Emma refused to believe the worse of the mayor and even released her from custody. I lied my head on the pillow and started crying. Soon after, she gets a furious call from Regina asking where her son is. After disarming Emma and grabbing the pages from her, Zelena demands to know if Regina is in on the plan to hurt Hades too. She wakes up in a jail cell, and in the next cell to hers is the town drunk, Leroy while a mechanic, Marco, is fixing a sink in the room. With the war up and coming (plus one other unexpected thing), there just isnt enough time to nurture their hate/hate relationship. Zelena, formerly known as the Wicked Witch of the West, currently known as Kelly West, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. After Hook excuses himself, Emma is somewhat surprised when her mother shows her a whole binder of wedding plans she has been putting together since the first curse broke. Emma doesn't believe anyone is willing to go through with such a risky plan, but Archie persuades her it's the right thing to do and manages to rally everyone else in agreement. Emma considers his words for a moment, before ordering Merida to take Mr. Gold into the woods to begin making him a hero, as she herself enters a nearby shed, which is filled with hanging dreamcatchers. She has more time to be herself, and the unwelcomed feelings return. She was tempted to kiss him but backed away because she was afraid of becoming too attached to this child. Hook relates how the ring is a testament to his ability to survive throughout the years, and he is giving it to her so she can survive and come back to him. Before this, she says goodbye to all her loved ones. They find John Doe passed out in the water near the Toll Bridge. I got in the back and Ruby and Dad got in the front. It depends on the person's point of life. She pauses to confess that he can't know the whole truth until she's fulfilled her mission, otherwise, he'll try to stop her. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Although Emma confirms Hook wants to move on, Regina advises her to help Hook forgive himself for his dark deeds. Emma appears in a photograph in "The Crocodile". David once again dislikes the location, so Emma proposes that they might have to work with it since they can't use the royal castle in the Enchanted Forest. James bounced his arms lightly, rocking her. - A SwanQueen ficlet. Fishing for a bottle opener, she sees a storybook photo of Regina and Robin Hood. Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. The magic in all the songs are later imbued into Emma's heart by the Blue Fairy, who explains that she'll need the songs one day as she will fight a great battle on her own. Regina explains that Emma, intentionally or not, ruined her life, and that's something she should live with. To catch up on lost time with her family and friends, she, her parents, Henry, Ruby and the dwarves have dinner at Granny's. When Emma refuses to listen to her, Regina disguises herself as the Queen and arrives at the knighting ceremony, where she proclaims her intent to destroy them and implies only a hero like Emma can defeat her. He instructs her into introducing herself to the horse, but the steed becomes frightened of her, sensing her darkness. With her parents, they decide to place Regina in a jail cell for protection and then confront Mr. Gold for his misdeeds. Neal denies it and takes Emma to a bar where she learns that he let her go all those years ago because August told him to. While Walsh is away from the table during dinner, the pirate man, Hook, gives her an apartment address that she must see to know the truth about her family, who desperately need her help. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Emma then humorously notices Hook entertaining Ashley's daughter by dabbing his nose with cream and making funny faces at her. Nathalie Sancoeur doesn't like the word or what it represented. On closer look, they realize it's wolf Ruby, who reverts to human after being covered by her cloak. Frustrated, Emma admits being unhappy as a savior since she is unable to resolve anything lately, believing that what Regina said earlier is true, but her father advises her to not give up. In a happy reunion with David, Henry, Hook and Mary Margaret, Emma creates a fireworks display for them. Shes never felt so alone Until Regina Mills walks in, with promises of love, care, and safety the likes of which Emma never thought she could attain. Angered at the crocodile's trickery, Hook darkly suggests he should have stabbed him when the opportunity arose, even though Emma warns he would be the new Dark One because of it. ("The Tower"), In a morning meeting at the closed diner, Emma and her allies discuss searching for Mr. Gold while Regina opts to search the farmhouse alone for evidence. She greets him with a kiss when he walks through the front door and notices he has been drinking rum. Persisting to have faith, Emma returns to the mines just as Elsa blasts open the cave-in. After drinking it, she passes out and awakens to find herself bound up. Henry still thinks Neal and Emma have a shot together when Tamara is out of the picture. From outside the room, Emma and Regina watch the interview between the District Attorney Mr. Spencer and Mary Margaret. Please consider turning it on! Again Killian cut the umbilical cord and the nurse let me see my baby girl. She talks about his imagination mixing reality and fantasy, which is "crazy". Still upset about Hook's lie, she goes to face Zelena alone, but with David's persuasion, allows the pirate to come with her. With no more use for either woman, Mr. Gold prepares to hurl a fireball at them, but Henry arrives to absorb the crystal's magic into a replica of the Holy Grail. Emma meets up with her family in the loft, where "Archie" follows her in and persuades her to tell them the truth. Using Neal's lock-pick method, she frees both of them and regroups with Hook, Prince Charming and Red Riding Hood only to witness Snow White's execution by the Queen. Emma looks to Hook for answers about Neal's weird behavior, to which he admits telling him about their kiss. There are lots of mistakes about Emma's flower tattoo, as in some scenes of some episodes, it appears and disappears: In "The Thing You Love Most", when Emma is drinking, Emma's tattoo is missing when she's climbing the, Emma is mentioned in the storybook in "The Snow Queen". She sees a picture of Hook as the pages are scorched and seemingly recognizes him as the man from her vision, but she does nothing as the page curls away under the heat of the flames. She and Hook spend time on the farm, where she takes Archie's advice and asks Hook to move in with her. His grip on her loosens, to which she traps the giant in his own enclosure. SuperCorp family chaos! Please go check out her work! After a warm farewell to Emma, Elsa walks into the portal as Kristoff follows her in. While everyone else goes to the library, Regina has Merida stay to guard Emma. I then shouted, he looked back, "Slow down, you are driving way too fast." Before she can ask him that means, he suddenly collapses and dies from a fatal heart attack. The magic of childbirth (literally) and anotomical and cultural differences. Regina then offers herself as bait at the town line, to which Emma accelerates the vehicle speed and then halts abruptly, which hurls the Chernabog off the car roof and through the barrier, where it ceases to exist. When her son asks her how are things between her and Killian, she replies that the two of them are great and a family, almost," clearly insinuating that the arrival of their child will complete their happy beginning. As Emma recalls, he had it in his vault, but Mr. Gold has Belle command him, with the dagger's will, to tell the truth. Will instructs them to look in the backroom for proof of his claims. As the Apprentice enacts the spell on the egg, he reveals infusing darkness in it puts this land at risk, so it must go to another world. Emma, along with her parents, Leroy and Ruby, try to break into the stranger's phone to learn who he is. Emma, believing he means the marriage proposal, declares that her answer is yes. Regina thinks that's ridiculous, but Emma turns out to be right. When she playfully calls him out for lying to her, Hook tells her about visiting Archie in order to process his emotions about almost having lost her. As Mr. Gold works to unlock it, Emma's parents open her up to moving on with life and not worrying so much, but she is finding it difficult to be a savior and have a day off from trouble. He requests her to stay in town for a week to prove he's right about the curse. He doesn't see the chances as very likely since Henry has been continuously misbehaving since her arrival in town. After the light is snuffed out, the two halves combine, revealing a star constellation map with an escape route. As Emma attempts to chip away wood using a regular chisel, she finds Pinocchio's birthday gift to her: a wooden swan. 15 months later she knocks on the door to the Swan apartment only to see that things aren't quite as she had dared hope they would be. Pushed to her limit, Emma reveals it was the only way to free Merlin. Lily attests that though she lied about her family, everything else is real as she was adopted and her home life is miserable. ("Quiet Minds"), Emma, along with Henry, attend Neal's funeral to pay their respects. She is portrayed by Jennifer Morrison as an adult, by Abby Ross as a teenager, and by Mckenna Grace as a child. Shortly after, Hook passes out from the kiss' effects, and Emma shackles him in the basement. Emma finds the Oracle, except that she is already dead. Emma allows them to meet, but she warns Neal not to hurt Henry like he did to her. Aladdin blames himself for the fall of Agrabah, but he eventually decides to own up to his mistakes when Emma advises him to do as she did by facing those he disappointed and making up his errors. ("Ruby Slippers"), Regina, after spying on Hades and Zelena's interactions, tells Emma and the rest of the gang about Hades putting their names on tombstones, and his plan to leave for Storybrooke with Zelena. Regina softly admonished. Hook blames her for saving him without thinking of how it would change him, and now, her family will die. ("An Apple Red as Blood"), Shortly after the purple smoke clears, Emma reunites with Mary Margaret and David after the curse has been broken. "No help me up." Pushed by his insistent pleads that Emma's family needs her, she decides to drop the plan for now. After reviewing some paperwork left in the man's car, Emma sees that his name is Greg Mendell. That night, Emma breaks into the courthouse to search for more files. Just then, Leroy and Walter inform them that something magically froze their car last night. Emma assumes the fresh cut on his cheek was Pan's doing, but he divulges that Henry did it. After he is gone, Emma and Ruby exchange a curious look. The Captain's Baby: A Once Upon a time Fanfic Fanfiction. Back at the fountain, Henry persuades his family to make wishes on pennies, which creates magic in the crystal, but not enough. So the last part might not be trouble, exactly, except for the part where it makes Bilbo's rather hopeless attachment even more painful. Ruby runs off to track Dr. Whale by scent and brings him back to perform the operation on Greg. Hook admits to working with Cora, but offers to join forces with Emma and her team as he knows a way to get to Storybrooke. With his reassurance that Regina is changing, Emma invites her to the party so Henry can spend time with his mother. Emma alleges a wolf in the middle of the road distracted her, though he bets she was drunk on Regina's apple cider. Zelena publicly reveals herself as Regina's half-sister and forces her sibling into a showdown on Main Street after sundown. ("Nimue"), Returning to the diner, Emma is surprised to see only Henry and Granny there. One shot of the first time Regina and Emma decided to both be little at the same time with no adult supervision. Out of guilt, Marco finally comes clean about the wardrobe's power to protect two people instead of one, and he selfishly made a deal with the Blue Fairy to allow his son to go through. Henry shows Emma a newspaper ad of a house Hook wants to move into with her. Intending to come clean to her about David's father, Hook explains he needed it to give him courage since he's unsure how she will react in response to what he's about to say. Seeing Mr. Clark wearing her trademark red jacket, Emma callously questions who he is supposed to be, and out of annoyance, she turns him to stone. Back at the hospital, John Doe's wife, Kathryn Nolan, rushes to reunite with her husband, whose real name is David Nolan. Using magic, Emma undoes August's binds and the pair share a friendly reunion. ("The Queen Is Dead"), On the way back to Storybrooke on the Jolly Roger, Emma visits Mr. Gold in his bunker. David returns after attempting to contact Neal, but he tells Snow that the booth has been destroyed on Hades' orders. After a failed attempt to find the Dragon, she and Regina plan to trap the Queen within a mirror. ("Into the Deep"), As they arrive at the designated location, Aurora finds a note scribbled with Emma's name. As a final warning, Regina dissuades her from interfering in Graham's life and sending him down the wrong path. Emma moves to use magic, but Mr. Gold freezes her and Mary Margaret. Emma believes she can provide help to them faster if they remove her cuff, but none of them trust her with magic, especially since the darkness might influence her to do bad things. In the aftermath, Emma proclaims to Gideon's parents that their son is irredeemable while Mr. Gold vows to take her out if she tries to kill Gideon. They make it to the town dock, and Emma is helped by her parents to take Mr. Gold to his shop while Ruby watches over Henry. In a test to reach the ambrosia, Emma offers her heart up for judgment by placing it on one side of a weight scale. ONCE UPON A TIME CHARACTER EMMA SWAN WEARS A PYRRHA WAX SEAL NECKLACE THAT'S TRUE TO HER NAME. Emma wants to join them, but Regina declines because she thinks the latter is not in the right state of mind to face Hades. After breaking a shield on the vault, Emma goads Regina by confessing to bringing Marian from the past to make her miserable and ensuring she could never be happy. Due to Cruella and Ursula's help, Emma wants to let them into town, yet David and Mary Margaret advise against it. ("Page 23", "A Wondrous Place"), Learning from Leroy that Hook was spotted at the docks leaving on the Nautilus, Emma comes believe Killian has truly left her for good and then tells her father the truth about Hook's involvement in Robert's death. Unknown to Emma, during this conversation, his speaking actions are under Mr. Gold's control. I'm going to guess that I'm going to have another grandbaby sometime in 9 months." Hook shares insight of Neal's talent passed down from his mother. Imprisoned for assisting Snow White, Emma meets Marian, who states they will be executed tomorrow. Judging from the family tree, they realize Ingrid means to replace Emma and Elsa as her sisters. At the diner, she apprehended by Regina about her history of never staying in one place for very long. 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