To have a variable appear as its previous value automatically, you can set the Field Annotation to @DEFAULT=[x][previous-instance] for the variable x. REDCap offers a few features to allow your team to record and track the status of forms. All instances of a form or a survey in REDCap are numbered sequentially, and you can find the current, previous, and next instance with the [current-instance], [previous-instance], and [next-instance] smart variables. However, another type of entity exists called 'Smart Variables' that allow you to reference information other than data fields. This action tag can be utilized within a Text Field or a Notes Field. After enabling surveys, go to the Online Designer. (This feature gets locked down when moving to production. In this form, we have four fields. Example of change where you will lose data this is known as a label mismatch error: Because the new code of Other is now 5, any data that was entered as 4, Other will now be given the value of 4, White Cheese because REDCap only looks at the numeric codes and not the text-based answer labels after the codes. This is the field the REDCap database uses to link the data for a particular record together -- all databases require a unique ID to distinguish between entries in a database. There are several field types in REDCap including text boxes, radio buttons and drop down lists (select only one answer), Within the survey you can set up a descriptive field labeled Survey Elapsed Time. By utilizing field embedding you can insert a text box into a matrix option to allow for more flexibility with matrix fields allowing you to add a write in option. REDCaps default configuration doesnt allow for creation of a progress bar, but you can add one using HTML. 5. You can use the logging tool to troubleshoot issues that arise due to a change in data value, calculations and branching logic that are no longer working, etc. You can use, Do you wish the list of choices was more manageable and user-friendly? The variable name for REDCap's optional Participant Identifier is [redcap_survey_identifier], and it does not capture imported data when using the data import tool, nor can the data inputted be pulled into a form/survey field. Note: If you need to find the variable name of your instrument, consult the codebook. Users can also be given No assignment in addition to being assigned to a DAG (or DAGs) so they can switch back-and-forth between their assigned DAG(s), allowing them to easily create/update/view records within that DAG, or create/view/update all records across the entire project when they switch to No assignment., This REDCap module adds the new actions tags @PREVENT-FUTUREDATE and @PREVENT-PASTDATE that can be applied to date fields i.e., a text field with date or date/time validation applied to disallow entry of dates in the future or past, respectively. Where is the Record ID field? FRSL hides unneeded forms for a specific record on the list of Data Collection Instruments due at each event, and grays out the colored buttons for the unneeded forms on the Record Status Dashboard and the Record Home Page. If a survey is set up as repeatable, the participant will see a link to make a new instance of it on their survey queue. . Click on the pencil icon to edit the field: When you are in the editing field window, you can edit the Field Label, the Variable Name, add validation, and note if the field is an identifier. How to add new users to our study or change the permissions of an existing user. [aggregate-max: fields: parameters]: The maximum value of a field across all records in a project. There's no good alternative for changing a variable name once you've collected data -- you'll either need to you'll either need to stick with the old variable name or be willing to re-import data for that question. The record_id field links together all the records in your study. However, if your survey contains branching logic, REDCap turns the question numbering feature off to prevent random skipping of numbers. If in this example the fictional Record #34 was part of the chemistry_dept DAG the [record-dag-name] smart variable would return chemistry_dept for the value! Make a back-up before you start -- download a copy of the current Data Dictionary and a copy of your current data, just in case anything goes wrong. The Auto Record Generation external module allows data from one REDCap project to be migrated over to another. The "code" is the numeric value of the answer choice selected, whichthe database uses to store/interpret the answer choice. Using Send-It, you can upload and send files, including existing project documents, that are too large for email attachments or that contain sensitive data to multiple recipients. And some applications drain your computer's memory, bogging down the processing needed to open the file. When creating a project in development mode, it is a good idea to test your instruments by entering data into your forms. Do you want to warn users that they have entered an unexpected value in a way that isnt covered by the built-in field validation options? The, Worried about making a significant change to your instruments? You can apply multiple action tags to the same variable. This helps supports consistent data entry. For example: If you want to find out how many downloads the Descriptive Field with the variable name pdf_download has had, you would write the following: To create a standalone QR Code link, create a new field with the, Alternatively, you can copy the HTML template code below, paste it into your project and then modify the link: