Jumbo also exist), for now all are classed as C. leptosoma and so are included together here. They act as a relaxing agent for other species as well, much like tetras do with dwarf cichlids - if the Cyprichromisare swimming in the open, it must be "safe.". We have yet to fill in descriptions and care for all our fish, so independent research is highly suggested prior to purchasing a fish you are unfamiliar with. The female will carry anywhere from 5 to 20 eggs in her mouth for up to 4 weeks before the fry are released to fend for themselves. ''Elongatus Ornatus'' Likoma, Chindongo sp. In an aquarium environment, they do well on a diet of live, frozen, or freeze dried brine shrimp, Daphnia, freeze dried cyclops, etc., and a quality cichlid flake food. As these are social fish, we sell them in groups of 3, 6, or more. IF YOUR CITY IS -5 OR BELOW FOR OVERNIGHT SHIPMENTS, WE CANNOT SHIP THERE UNTIL THE WEATHER WARMS SO KEEP THIS IN MIND BEFORE PLACING ORDERS. Juvenile males will begin to occasionally shimmy or shake a little before they color up, which is usually when they are around an inch in length. The female lays her eggs in mid water and catches them as they are dropping in the water column. Sardine Cichlids live and reproduce totally independent of the substrate, which makes them unlike any other mouth brooding cichlid species. Regular partial water changes are recommended. L340 ''Mega Clown Pleco'', Notoglanidium cf. It's fun to watch this behavior and it strongly mimics their feeding regimen in the wild. Since threats come mostly from above for bottom-dwelling fish, the Cyprichromis act as an early warning system. However, unless you are breeding them commercially or the female is being harassed by other males, its best to leave her in the breeding tank with the breeding group. CLICK HEREFOR ARRIVAL GUARANTEE AND ACCLIMATION PROCEEDURE. I do not recommend prying open the mouth to strip the fish. ''Red Fin Piebald'', Pundamilia sp. Family (Spouses and children under the age of 18 & all under one roof) - roommates, relatives, in-laws, adult siblings, etc will need to get individual memberships. Cyprichromis leptosoma is a peaceful, mid water, schooling species that in the wild live in schools that number into the thousands. Please let us know if you have any questions before deciding to purchase by emailing us atinfo@aquariumfishdepot.com. HANNA . Breeder's Notes 10/21/2018:All of the fish are young adults and range from 2"-3". SKU: 1232 Category: Tanganyikan Cichlids. 54 Mins. Aquarist Experience Level: Advanced. At about two weeks, many breeders will strip the fry from the females mouth into a separate rearing tank to raise them. I'm located in Brooklyn, N.Y. 11235. Above Male Cyprichromis leptosoma "kekese". *All states excluding Hawaii, Alaska, Alabama, and Kansas. Be sure to take advantage of our free shipping options! 10.99 + 19.85 Postage. 10 Gal Setup. New, Tanganyikan Cichlids Frontosa Cichlid $ 14.95 - $ 34.95 IN STOCK. Buy Tanganyikan cichlids for sale like Calvus, compressiceps, frontosa, leleupi, julidochromis and more from BreedCichlids.com, Frontosa Black Widow unsexed juveniles for sale from Lake Tanganyika. They congregate in large shoals of several thousand in nature, preying on zooplankton.In the hobby you may also see C. leptosoma sp. Once JavaScript is enabled please refresh the current page. Please note that the fish shown in the photo is not the exact fish you will receive and is only a representative of what a specimen will look like. Greater Chicago Cichlid Association - Cyprichromis leptosoma Logoff Join Join GCCA Subscription Plans Individual Member Single (Adult or Minor with sponsor). For instructions on how to enable cookies, please see the help section of your browser. We guarantee it! We will send an email, Facebook Messenger or Webpush when product available. Review our Covid-19 policy here. Cyprichromis leptosoma is a peaceful schooling fish, they can easily be combined with other cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. and any other website that may be affiliated with the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. The color may vary based on the age and sex (if listed as unsexed) of the fish you receive. This approach results in a greater number of fry being raised to adulthood. Cyps are divided into four species and two groups: Sardine Cichlids are virtually impossible to sex until they begin to reach breeding age, at which time they are impossible to miss. One Odd behavior I noticed was that newly delivered fry went straight to the surface of the water and stayed with the top inch of the tank for the first few days. Out of stock Add to Wishlist SKU: WCTCYPLEPUTI Category: Wild Tanganyikans Reviews (0) Max. IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT YOUR CITY, PLEASE MESSAGE US TO CONFIRM BEFORE PLACING ORDER. ''Marolambo'' Nosivolo River, Paretroplus menarambo ''Pin Stripe Damba'', Ptychochromis grandidieri ''East Coast Gold'', Rubricatochromis exsul Lake Turkana (formerly Hemichromis), Steatocranus tinanti ''Slim Buffalo Head'', Alestopetersius brichardi ''Red Congo Tetra'', Alestopetersius caudalis ''Yellow Congo Tetra'', Arnoldichthys spilopterus ''African Red Eye Tetra'', Bedotia madagascariensis ''Madagascar Rainbow'', Bryconalestes longipinnis "African Longfin Tetra'', Chilatherina bleheri ''Bleher's Rainbow'', Hemigrammus bleheri ''Red Head Rummynose Tetra'', Mastacembelus liberiensis ''Orange Spot Eel'', Melanotaenia lacustris Lake Kutubu ''Turquoise Rainbowfish'', Melanotaenia praecox ''Dwarf Neon Rainbow'', Paracheirodon axelrodi ''Cardinal Tetra'', Phenacogrammus interruptus ''Congo Tetra'', Poropanchax normani ''Norman's Lampeye Killifish'', Neritina variegata ''Batik Nerite Snail'', Ancistrus cf. All rights reserved. Because they are a schooling fish it is recommended to get at least a coloy of 10. $50.00. Unlike other mouthbrooding cichlids which lay eggs on a substrate before picking up orally, cyprichromis lay eggs directly in the water column and catch them in "mid-air" where they are quickly fertilized. Because they are a schooling fish it is recommended to get at least a coloy of 10. updates on sale items? It is often available from breeders in the Chicago area. Kept and cared for at our massive aquarium fish store in San Diego, California. Intra-species aggression is limited to benign fin nipping. This fish poses no feeding problems in the aquarium as long as they are presented with small particles of food. Cyprichromis leptosoma Mamalesa juveniles! I normally sell these for $15/12 ea for 10 or more, but I currently have a surplus, so those on this forum can get them for $12 ea, $10 ea if you buy 10 or more, $9 ea if you buy 20 or more. Review our Covid-19 policy here. Because good filtration is necessary to provide the pristine clean water they require; a wet/dry, canister, or bio wheel type filter is highly recommended, along with regular 20% to 30% water changes. See pricing and listing details of Northville real estate for sale. Compatibility: Lake Tanganyikan cichlids, Synodontis catfish. Albino Cyprichromis Leptosoma Kitumba 2M and 5F. Your safety is important to us. cirrhosis ''Bristlenose Pleco'' red marble, Baryancistrus demantoides L200 ''High Fin Green Phantom Pleco'', Hemiancistrus guahiborum L106 ''Spotted Orange Seam Pleco'', Hemiancistrus sp. Falls of Northville is a neighborhood of homes in Northville Michigan offering an assortment of beautiful styles, varying sizes and affordable prices to choose from. Although Sardine Cichlids (Cyprichromis leptosoma) are not common, they are occasionally available in specialty fish shops but are more easily acquired from online auction sites, cichlid forums, etc. Falls of Northville homes for sale range in square footage from around 3,600 square feet to over 6,800 square feet and in price from approximately $517,500 to $1,000,000 while having an average homeowners association fee around . PLEASE READ BEFORE SUBMITTING ORDER! Cyprichromis are mouthbrooders with a unique breeding behavior. Over a period of a few months, males develop striking colors. I let the females hold for about twelve to fourteen days, and then netted out the females. Our shop is filled with over 750 aquariums and houses one of the largest collections of aquatic creatures including beautiful freshwater fish for sale both online and in-store. Cyprichromis leptosoma is available in numerous color varieties which typically map to location variants. They are maternal mouthbrooders and in the wild, females will spawn all at once with the dominant males in the area. I obtained twelve, 1.5" juvenile Cyprichromis leptosoma "kekese blue" from Robert Stevens at the 2004 ACA Convention in Denver, CO, in July 2004. Cyprichromisare long and slender and may be considered the "sardines of Lake Tanganyika." Pay in 4 interest-free installments of $18.74 with Learn more Quantity Sold out NOTIFY WHEN AVAILABLE Cyprichromis Leptosoma Albino Kitumba Adults Kept and cared for at our massive aquarium fish store in San Diego, California. If you have any questions about specific fish, our team is more than happy to help! ''Zebra Long Pelvic'' Mdoka, Metriaclima tarakiki Ngkuyo Island ''Zebra Slim'', Metriaclima usisyae Mara Rocks ''Elongatus Usisya'', Petrotilapia microgalana Nkhata Bay ''Small Blue'', Petrotilapia sp. Free-swimming fry are 1/25/8" long. Our selection of truly wild caught cichlids from Lake Tanganyika are held for a minimum of ten days post arrival. Many fish have variable color and shape depending on their sex, age, or catch location, and some require specific care that makes them incompatible with other fish. Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $50.00 with Learn more Size Regular Quantity Sold out NOTIFY WHEN AVAILABLE Cyprichromis leptosoma Kept and cared for at our massive aquarium fish store in San Diego, California. ''Kawanga No-Spot'' Undu ''Mloto Fluorescent'', Copadichromis sp. Terms and conditions of the sale. Unlike many mouth brooders, Cyprichromis are best kept in groups with about the same number of males as females. ''Elongatus Spot'' Hai Reef ''Jewel Spot'', Cynotilapia zebroides Jalo Reef ''Yellow Top'', Cynotilapia zebroides Ndonga Deep ''Black'', Cynotilapia zebroides Nkhata Bay ''Yellow Blaze'', Labeotropheus chloriosiglos Katale ''Orange Side'', Labeotropheus fuelleborni Chalo ''White Belly'', Labeotropheus trewavasae Chirwa Island ''Red'', Labeotropheus trewavasae Manda ''Red Stripe'', Labidochromis caeruleus Lion's Cove ''Yellow Lab'', Labidochromis caeruleus Lundo Island ''Zebra Lab'', Labidochromis caeruleus Nkhata Bay ''White Lab'', Melanochromis wochepa Lumessi ''Dialeptos Blue'', Metriaclima callainos Kirondo ''Pearl Zebra'', Metriaclima callainos Nkhata Bay ''Cobalt Zebra'', Metriaclima fainzilberi Higga Reef ''Zebra Sunrise'', Metriaclima fainzilberi Maison Reef ''Zebra Chilumba'', Metriaclima sp. Buy it now at BreedCichlids.com, Buy Live Freshwater African Cichlids For Sale. This makes them excellent tankmates for shell- or cave-dwelling cichlids, which rarely venture higher into open water. ''Williamsi North'' Makonde, Tropheops kumwera Kanchedza Island ''Elongatus Boadzulu'', Astatotilapia latifasciata Lake Kyoga ''Zebra'', Haplochromis sp. Add to cart This fish is NOT covered by our Livestock Guarantee Policy Description Additional information Cyprichromis leptosoma, even adults, love to eat live baby brine shrimp. Please note that the fish shown in the photo is not the exact fish you will receive and is only a representative of what a specimen will look like. Monthly Meetings featuring expert speakers (10 per year) Participation in our Breeders Award and CARES programs Priority registration for Swap Meets (5 per year) Males are showing nice colors. I, m possibly interested in the your Albino Cyp Colony. 3 Hours. Altolamprologus calvus Chaitika ''White'', Altolamprologus calvus Chisanse ''Yellow'', Altolamprologus compressiceps Chaitika ''Orange'', Altolamprologus compressiceps Kagunga ''Red Fin'', Altolamprologus compressiceps Kasanga ''Gold Head'', Altolamprologus compressiceps Kikoti ''Black'', Altolamprologus compressiceps Kiku ''Black'', Altolamprologus sp. There are five (blue and yellow tailed) color variants of Cyprichromis leptosoma that occur over their 300 mile range listed below, and all are gorgeous. Your safety is important to us. They are very colorful and electric when flashing for females, best kept in groups, minimum is 5 or 6 fish. Cyprichromis leptosoma utinta for sale. It contains important information about order fulfillment time,shipping speed, and other pertinent details. The mpulungu variant is found along the southern end of Lake Tanganyika near the borders of Zambia and Tanzania. Some species are primarily one or two colors, others are combination of up to three colors. Cyprichromis leptosoma $39.99 USD Sold out Shipping calculated at checkout. Notice: Please note that the appearance of fish will vary based on the size, age, and sex of the fish. I transitioned my fry to flake food at three weeks. Youll find a variety of fish well suited for any freshwater tank including community aquariums, goldfish aquariums, African cichlid aquariums, and planted aquariums. Cyprichromis leptosoma Mamelesa: 2-3'' 24.00 ea: Cyprichromis leptosoma Mamelesa: 2-3'' (10 or more) 22.00 ea: Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu ''Blue Flash'' 2''+ 24.00 ea: Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu ''Blue Flash'' 2''+ (10 or more) 22.00 ea: Paracyprichromis nigripinnis ''Blue Neon'' 1.5'' 24.00 ea: Family: Cichlidae Cyprichromis Leptosoma Utinta $ 19.00 Cyprichromis Utinta aka Neon Head or Blue Flash is not a jumbo type and suitable for smaller aquaria. The Sardine Cichlid is an open water species that inhabits the intermediate zones and is found throughout Lake Tanganyika in deep water areas with rocky shores, sandy bottoms, and clean water. Advanced Search . Because they don't take up "bottom space", Cyprichromis leptosoma are desirable components of a Tanganyikan community tank. ''Zebra Gold'' Lion's Cove OB, Metriaclima sp. In an aquarium environment, they do best in groups of at least twelve or more specimens. ''Steveni Taiwan'' Taiwanee Reef, Sciaenochromis fryeri Maleri Island ''Iceberg'', Chindongo sp. *****, To add this product to your wish list you must Size: 4 Females lay the eggs, swoop down to pick them out fo the water column, then obtain sperm from the male. These fish grow to the size quoted above, whilst the true leptosoma only reaches around 4 in length. Kept and cared for at our massive aquarium fish store in San Diego, California. Our shop is filled with over 750 aquariums and houses one of the largest collections of aquatic creatures including beautiful freshwater fish for sale both online and in-store. Many fish have variable color and shape depending on their sex, age, or catch location, and some require specific care that makes them incompatible with other fish. Please call, text, or e-mail before ordering Cyprichromis. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Everything you need to design the perfect tank at home! Next Large shipment March 3rd, with a smaller shipment March 4th, PLEASE READ BEFORE SUBMITTING ORDER (FAQ). Cyprichromis leptosoma is not demanding, but should be kept in groups of eight or more. Cyprichromis leptosoma is found in rocky areas along the eastern shoreline of Lake Tanganyika. They swim in the upper part of the aquarium. Water Conditions: 75-82 F, pH 7.8-9.0, H 10-25 Fish listed do not perfectly match the pictures, there's always some variation. If the Cyps are OK, then it's safe. Each of these further exists in both blue and yellow-tailed forms. Greater Chicago Cichlid Association - Cyprichromis leptosoma Logoff Join Join GCCA Subscription Plans Individual Member Single (Adult or Minor with sponsor). Comes With Everything! Although groups of one or two males with two or three females per male also works well, and because males are much more colorful than females; you might just as well get equal numbers of males to females for your breeding tank. 1898. Brooding females can be easily recognized by their chewing action as they move the eggs around in their mouths. ''Electra Blackfin'' Makonde ''Yellow'', Placidochromis sp. Please let us know if you have any questions before deciding to purchase by emailing us atinfo@aquariumfishdepot.com. Scientific Name: Cyprichromis leptosoma "mpulungu", Common Name: Sardine cichlids or cyprichromisOrigin: Lake TanganyikaDiet: CarnivorePH: 7.6-8.6Temperature: 76-82FMaximum size: 4.5", Recommended tank size: 55 gallonsRecommended breeding colony: A breeding pair is enough, but starting with at least a colony of 6-8 of mixed sexes is bestDifficulty: 3 (1-5 with 1 easiest)Breeding Method: MouthbrooderBreeding Difficulty: 3. 3:494-497 ( crc00006) Conservation: Cyprichromis leptosoma is evaluated by the international union for the conservation of nature in the iucn red list of threatened species as (LC . UNTIL APRIL 2023 WE ARE SHIPPING OVERNIGHT ONLY. ON SALE. 559-696-2287 - call or text Joe@CaliforniaCichlids.com.