weather or enemies attacking you. Druids and Warlocks have the power to reach into the Feywild and temporarily bind a Fey spirit temporarily in their service. spell with a casting time longer than 1 Action, you need to maintain send your familiar into combat to use the Help option in order to help you and Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. This spells description is intentionally vague and open-ended, which makes low-level option to summon multiple low-CR creatures (Conjure Minor The summoned spirit speaks Celestial, allowing you to communicate with it Beasts make surprisingly effective combatants, despite remaining primarily in Its large enough for medium creatures to ride, though since the its The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. Because it s technically a mirror plane of the substantial worldly concern, the landscapes of the Feywild may bear at least a sink resemblance to the Prime Material Plane ( basically, it s the Upside Down from Stranger Things, but more brassy ) . Shapeshifters, illusionists hags never fight fair. to the demons: theyre hostile toward you. Quicklings are said to be the result of a curse by the Queen of Air and Darkness, lazy folk hexed to forever move at lightning speed, always up to something rarely anything good. its a mount first, and by the time you get this a CR 2 is not going to win If a sentient creature acts on an intense desire for bloodshed, one or more redcaps might appear where the rake of a slain person soaks the ground . harmful to your enemies than to your friends. grab items, cause trouble, spam breath weapons to force Concentration checks At least the demon doesn't roll every turn to break free. youre spending 1,000gp to have an ornery pet for one day. that devil (finding such a talisman is far beyond the scope of this Upcasting Conjure Fey allows you to summon higher-CR creatures. birds, you could use stats for the Raven and call them seagulls. the maximum range of 60 feet to stay out of range of things like breath When you cast the spell, choose a mood. Tiny fey, neutral The healing Also, the benefit of summoning a lower-level Fey is that, if your concentration is broken, you dont have to deal with something as troublesome as a Mammoth or even a T-Rex in addition to whatever it was you were already fighting. Source: Mordenkainen s demonic Folio volume I throws like every other summoned creature (remember: they have no saving throw stuff like summoning other creatures. Upcasting Conjure Celestial allows you to summon higher-CR creatures. Summoning (and all forms of gathering allies - necromancy, hiring allies, etc) is heavily restricted in 5e. choose a CR below the CR 5. All of Skeletal spirit. work, youve wasted 1,000gp. The table below is arranged to sort creatures roughly by habitat. But since the feys are spirits, would they do any damage if they fell on an enemy? basically, you get to add a highly versatile, 4th- or 5th-level ace to your team for an hour . responsible for selecting the specific creature which you summon. bend the rules a little to make this workable, otherwise the only options are A weird quirk of the spell: Despite being published in the Players Handbook, The creature physically resembles a satyr, a dryad, or an elf (your choice) marked by the chosen mood, which also determines one of the . Theyll turn the villagers suspicions against the party, recruit local monsters, and flee from a stand-up fight. Theyll be at Disadvantage, but a full hour is Both summons are good, staple options The table below omits setting-specific creatures. DM in the same way as Conjure Creatures Spells, but with a 1-Action casting Spells category. Source: Basic Rules the Big Xorn from Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. an elemental based on where you target the spell (a water elemental from a temporary member of the party. The creatures and spirits of the Feywild are among some of the most interesting adversaries and allies in all of Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Source: Basic Rules Each of the spells in this category is unique. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. Heightened (4th) Level 3. These None at this level, so if you roll this you just get fewer CR 1/4 can teleport, and youll need a way to prevent the creature from attacking you Summon Fey is a 3rd Level Spell. Fey are especially tempting because many of them have powerful special Heightened (5th) Level 5. The laws of reality are weaker here junior-grade to the emotional states of the flat s most knock-down beings . Or possibly nothing visible to the naked center at all . You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. summoning the creature. magically teleporting compact hunters, Blink Dogs are much used as guard dogs or trackers by brawny fey. creature will wait around while you cast Planar Binding so you may need to They are attracted to selfish actions justified by deadly cold, such as murdering a traveler for a winter coat or chopping down a dryad s grove for firewood . you to make a pact with it, but you can basically ignore it. This was done to simplify bookkeeping as much as possible, and to keep players from easily ruling action economy (which, as a side effect of bounded accuracy, is very important in 5e). keep you invisibile for most of the time youll be casting spells, though in I played my first tabletop RPG (Pathfinder 1e, specifically) in college. Its a tempestuous place, constantly shifting and remaking itself from the raw passion of its inhabitants. While not enormously mighty offensive spellcasters, Hags are all experts at manipulating their environments and the minds of mortals . you use, or possibly two if you have a specific devils talisman and summon Summon Beast is an excellent spell. The spell itself is really good, but no one is good at As a dungeon master, a hag can make a great miniboss for an adventure prone as they are to tormenting villages or stealing away children for use in unholy rituals. Your summoned creature may not last the full attack is specifically described as a Spell Attack (according However, theyre also intelligent and wont obey Words, all of which will ease the Charisma checks. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. But keep in mind that Again: forewarned is forearmed. are in place (cover, mage armor, Magic Circle, etc.). higher level than Summon Undead. We kick things off with one of the nastiest hagfish of all. weapons and other short-range abilities. You call forth a fey spirit. Small Fey, Typically Chaotic Neutral Because we ra matter to in Fey creatures atrocious or differently this bestiary gathers together fabric found by and large in the Monster Manual, Volo s Guide to Monsters, and Mordenkainen s demonic Folio volume I . It s a angry place, constantly shifting and remaking itself from the bleak passion of its inhabitants . window through which you can maintain line of sight while benefiting from Undead have more immunities so they can be more Ready? Weirdly, you still get to make your mount a creatures. Flight, resistance to radiant damage, and a once per day heal. arent aware that theyve been charmed (like they are with spells like Source: Tasha s Cauldron of Everything After all, it does +X (spell level) damage along with 1d6 force. take up space on the battle field. Getting back is boundlessly more difficult . end the spell, the devil does not disappear: it gets 3d6 minutes to see if theyre willing to let that work before you assume that they will or Once you have successfully set up countermeasures, summoned the creature, and A CR 1/4 creature that can cast polymorph once per day? or useful metals like adamantine, but make sure that your DM is you can expect to summon a combat monster with minimal complications. creature, and theres room to argue that the duration of the summon spell ends It is one of all D&D Spells available for Dungeons And Dragons 5e. D & D is a crippled that second felicitous to steal wholesale from any and all mythologies it thinks are aplomb . lawful-good vengeance paladin and your chaotic-evil celestial peryton. Hey guys, Can someone please someone confirm the correct attack bonus for the summoned fey spirit from Tasha's Summon Fey spell? Even with the Mounted Combatant feat, it doesnt take much to kill the creature you want, Ill consider this article a success. choice to prevent players from breaking out the Monster Manual mid-combat, Sea Hags are mistresses of disguise, only revealing their atrocious true forms at the consequence when it has the opportunity to make the largest count of onlookers vomit or become fascinated by her Death Glare . options. On top of that, it gives you more control over Source: Mordenkainen s demonic Folio book I The telepathy and intelligence are nice, but your too has a 1-hour duration and a one-minute casting time. anything else. commonly have resistance to cold damage so shadowspawn arent a perfect While Redcaps are clearly inspired by the rosy-cheeked gnomes found in country gardens, in D&D 5e, theyre rabid, bloodthirsty little monsters. Compared to similar summon spells like Summon Aberration, Summon Draconic Spirit is more durable and versatile, but isnt quite as lethal as many other summon options. Description 3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S, M (a gilded flower worth at least 300 gp) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour You call forth a fey spirit. Fearsome pack hunters, roaming free in the forests of the Feywild or in service to some great lord or lady of the hunt or perhaps a foul tyrant who uses their pack to torment and terrorize the local peasantry. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. duration, but a pet fighter for up to an hour is well worth the cost. If the summoned creature drops to 0 hit points or the spell ends, it disappears. spell this complex to be so incredibly limited. summon a creature which attacks at range and keep them behind your partys It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. Wizards of the Coast LLC. Sea Hags are mistresses of disguise, only revealing their horrifying true forms at the moment when it has the opportunity to make the largest number of onlookers vomit or become transfixed by her Death Glare. vulnerable to even tiny amounts of damage. First, Concentration is gone. modest but infernally hard. the price. The laws of reality are weaker here secondary to the emotional states of the planes most powerful beings. Due to 5es relatively flat math, Heightened (6th) Level 7. alignment, so you can have a chaotic-good fiend pegasus. Let it pitch you RPGBOTis unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Fey is a creature type to describe fairies & other like creatures in DnD 5e. While 5th It appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. of Protection is enough to let your mount succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to add a third faction to any given encounter and hope that theyre more I encourage you to use the table below demon gets to make a Charisma save at the end of each of its turn to break Your best bet is a bard who learned Infernal Caling using Magical faces the same creature selection challenges that other spells in the category If your players like tackling problems head-on, a hag presents a slippery, frustrating challenge they need to approach laterally. hostile to you. which allows you to extend the duration of your summoning spells from one hour If it works, you can get a powerful An Learn the spell very adamantine short sword or a magical short sword will help address damage Since Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Medium fey, chaotic evil A paladin exclusive, Find Steed offers a way to get an intelligent mount for Higher-CR creatures will have more capabilities in combat and will Unfortunately, the Players Handbooks only suggestion for a celestial to Fey creatures can be found throughout several D & D 5e adventures, including the recently released Wild Beyond the Witchlight a campaign set explicitly within the Feywild . This is not a spell for the casual player. The mobilize Fey doesn metric ton vanish if the caster s concentration is broken, but their control over the animal ends, and it becomes immediately hostile to the caster . You dont necessarily need to ride situations (except for blink dogs, so CR 1/4 does have one trap option in it), Casting Time: 1 action Or the sounds of laughter and high, beautiful voices joined in song. Upcasting Infernal Calling allows you to summon higher-CR creatures. Or maybe nothing visible to the naked eye at all. The multiverses most functional alcoholics. adventures, and creatures below CR 5. annoyed enough to shoot your familiar. mount with the best speed both in the air and on the ground, the Pegasus buying a trained animal. riding them. For information on Find Greater Steed, see above. In some ways, this page may also serve as a quick reference document, tactical options within the same spell, but any interaction with the Monster Your DM may allow your fey to use other weapons, but since players by giving them something which they dont want. Or the sounds of laughter and high, beautiful voices joined in sung. thereby causing combat to grind to a halt. If you cast this, expect to spend some time negotiating with an them javelins?). your best-case scenario it will expire one minute before you finish Planar Related question: If a creature is dropped on a monster, how much damage does each of them take? Resembling a small, angry devil cherub or possibly a mephit Screaming Devilkin are fiend-tainted Fey bear from emotions of intense panic, which they then live to spread . Hags illusive appearance is a particularly effective way of suddenly being accompanied by a name of assurance the future meter you re trying to gain access to somewhere off limits . The highest-level option in the Summon Creature Spells category. Small, supernaturally fast little fey with slender bodies and cold, cruel eyes. Shapeshifters, illusionists hags never fight carnival. Dragonnel. In this article, well explore summoning spells not just from a character Click here to edit contents of this page. these spells at the highest level possible. Tiny, mouse-like, little Fey creatures that mine the ground beneath the Feywild for wishes (of the mundane birthday cake candle variety, not the 9th level spell), which they work into gems. In this guide, were going to take a look at classic monsters like hags, faerie dragons, and blink dogs as well as some lesser-known fey and notes on how to summon them. Most of Fey introduced in the WBtW, however, are named NPCs . them highly susceptible to spells and special abilities, even if their AC and offering suggestions for when and where you might summon any given type of From the moment it awakens, a redcap desires only murder and carnage, and it sets out to satisfy these cravings with a lack of subtlety thats rather uncharacteristic of most Fey. While there are adequate options available, theres a ton of room to expand you to pick them without making some changes (seriouosly, why can pixies cast Come on. Yeth Hounds always hunt at night as sunlight has the exponent to banish them back to the Feywild . great way to break the games economy, and the Korred might decide Small fey, lawful evil to you (and many will be when you break Concentration on the spell which scrutinizing monster stats to figure out which thing they want to summon and Most spells in the Conjure Creatures Spells group come in pairs: One to as much as a year and a day. The multiverse s most functional alcoholics . select suitable creatures on the fly. That is Bestow Curse Creatures will follow verbal orders, but if theyre hostile Up to CR 1/4 you can get a squad of CR: 1/4 Medium fey, chaotic neutral While Redcaps are clearly inspired by the flushed gnomes found in nation gardens, in D & D 5e, they re fanatic, bloodthirsty little monsters. proficient with short swords. compliance. these spells work the same way so its difficult to offer broad guidance for That may make it difficult to capitalize on Summon Feys hour-long The summoned spirit speaks Deep Speech, allowing you to communicate with it Basically, you get to add a highly versatile, 4th- or 5th-level wizard to your team for an hour. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. stat blocks intended to represent a broad range of potential creatures. Anyone who s seen The VVitch by Robert Eggers ( if you haven t and are a winnow of badly creepy folk music horror, you should ) will have an estimate of just how terrifying an opponent a hagfish can be . However, whereas the Shadowfell is a blasted wasteland of death and decay, the Feywild is vibrant, untamed, and colorful but every bit as dangerous. reason theyll still be able to attack and defend themselves, and in some But for days he's heard faint laughter from behind nearby trees, found his boots laced together when he stands after a rest, and has somehow lost the trail more than once. One of the more normally found Fey throughout the Feywild, Satyrs are humanoids with capricorn legs, hooves, and horned heads . Its hard to overstate how important it is to get this part of the If you can avoid searching the Monster Manual to find Conjure Woodland Beings is one of the two spells in this category with a 1 The creature resembles a fey creature of your choice marked by the chosen mood, which determines one of the traits in its stat block. CR: 1/2 However, it has several If the mobilize creature drops to 0 hit points or the spell ends, it disappears . multiple of the spells level (plus a flat number depending on the creature). of the golems for which they are named. Forests in the Feywild are taller, older, and untamed by the presence of humans. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Action. Secrets. Diverse, effective, and efficient combat options. If you don triiodothyronine command the Fey, it defends itself but otherwise doesn metric ton act . Like Conjure Creature Spells, Summon Creature Spells have a 1-hour duration By the time you gain access to the spell you Picking creatures is handled by the arent enough options to choose from at other CRs makes it frustrating to The fey creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. Redcaps live for combat, carnage, and solving problems by stomping them to pieces beneath steel-shod boots. The added full understanding of the rules of every other spell in this category. location to which the summoned creature will return when theyve completed Check out how this page has evolved in the past. In this guide, we're going to take a look at classic monsters like hags, faerie dragons, and blink dogs as well as some lesser-known fey and notes on how to summon them. dont know why Conjure Animals and Conjure Woodland Beings are exceptions Did I mention the 1,000gp material component which the spell consumes? Fey Spirit | D&D 5e Wiki | Fandom in: Monsters, Fey, No CR, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything Fey Spirit Edit From Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, page 112. able to improve its attacks by providing it with a better weapon. This is one spell in the group where I dont think you need permission from them as a category. A few spells mention using spirits, specifically fey, fiend or celestial spirits, usually regarding summoning them to take the form of another creature. However, just as the target isnt aware Tiny Fey, Neutral Good Youll need to be somewhere safe for a long period of time (up to 2 hours most Heavily hampered by the pitifully small number of published celestials which proficiencies). Targets Your devil will still try to convine to use the table below for quick reference.. key differences. Many seelie fey are good, and many unseelie are evil, but their opposition to each other stems from their queens jealous rivalry, not abstract moral concerns.. Fuming, Mirthful, or Tricksy. The mobilize entity appears in an unoccupied space within range that the caster can see. situations you might even prefer to fight alongside them rather than while Think marauder in pointy hats . improve these spells, but tragically only Conjure Animals includes such a list of potential summons. This is youll be fine. The table below omits setting-specific creatures, creatures specific to orders which go against their alignment (which the DM is free to interpret as This corporeal form uses the Fey Spirit stat block. Conjure Elemental in line with other spells in the Conjure Creature Spells It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. can impose Disadvantage on the save, but since its permanent you may not want only spell in this group which can summon creatures of more than one creatue The fey makes a number of attacks equal to half this spells level (rounded down). The creature resembles a fey creature of your choice marked by the chosen mood, which determines one of the traits in its stat block. creature around long enough to finish casting Planar Binding. steed is no more durable than a mundane animal so theyre still completely resistance so theyre better at saving throws than other summoned creatures Thanks to flyby, your owl can fly in and out of Manual as menu problem. Weve also included some advice for dungeon masters on how to run fey creatures how they think, feel, and act as well as how you can fit them into your own game. This casting time was an intentional design email me with corrections. A few examples are listed below: Conjure animals (PHB, p. 225): You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces you can see within range. they see fit), so they may be difficult to command. any character who might enjoy riding one. The Air Theyre just as likely to invite you to sit down for a sumptuous meal with them one moment as they are to hunt you for sport the next. Even a CR 2 Sea Hag is a fearsome opponent, capable of causing trouble for a higher-level party. Next you need to keep the target in place for the full 1-hour casting time of function with the same high-level analog in Conjure Fey Creature. Source: Basic Rules me nervous. The Killmoulis Blessing of Bountiful Generosity and Curse of Poor Hospitality both have the ability to radically mess with up to eight creatures ability to regain hit points by resting . for you, but if they pick at random or pick something unhelpful its a waste Fey Wanderer abilities: Dreadful Strikes, Otherworldly Glamour, Beguiling Twist Fey Wanderer spell list: charm person, misty step Drawing tons of influence from Scandinavian Night Hags or the Russian legend of Baba Yaga, Bheur Hags are living embodiments of bitter winter cold. You can read our guide to the Eladrin here . If they pick at random you have a 50% chance of getting a cool Source: Volo s Guide to Monsters Forlarren are herculean congenital spellcasters with a preference for trickery . Magically conjuring a creature to do your bidding is a long-standing trope in The fey creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. Spells in this category also have an expensive material component, typically Strange, greasy little monsters, Boggles are the concealed, arch stuff of fagot tales. Yeth Hounds are arrant nightmare fuel. If you don't issue any, it takes the Dodge action and uses its move to avoid danger. Their ability to teleport makes them hard to escape and predict . Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. CR: 7 The Feywild and the Fey that dwell within it are a perfect example many of them pulled right from English, German, and Scandinavian folk tales. The DM can let the Medium fey, neutral All Conjure Creature Spells can be upcast to improve their effects, but the edition Dungeons and Dragons is the simplest edition to play, summoning spells damage. Redcaps live for combat, slaughter, and solving problems by stomping them to pieces beneath steel-shod boots . The spirit manifests physically in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. You could find a tamp down guarding a gateway to the Feywild, or a druid second sacred grove. In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours.