A mere 3 BGs in total and designed just to reassure the people of Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. Royal Navy monitors Russian warships off the east coast of Scotland Erm, theres certain CO of a T23 on TV at the moment who disagrees with you not to mention Radakin hgiving HoC evidence, I havent see the show, so Ill take your word on it, Surely if Russia invades Ukraine theres gonna have to be big increases in defence and security spending were gonna have to reinforce all Eastern European alliance members for that matter any country world wide that feels threatened buy any powerful country, Hi Geordie, Youd think so. NOTAMs will clear seaways fast, whilst the Falklands demonstrated the potency of AsUW back then. In such cluttered close waters, the 4.5 inch is probably the best weapon and only weapon you would need. On Monday, two C-17 transporters left the UK with 2,000 armour-piercing missile systems and soldiers to teach Ukraine's forces how to use them. 'Also, if he just occupies the eastern regions he will never be able to take back the whole of Ukraine because of the inevitable strengthening of Ukrainian forces in the remainder of the country in the aftermath. SPEAR 3 will have a small warhead, but it will be very accurate. Something will give as you cannot maintain an army at this sort of readiness indefinitely. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the British warship, which was travelling from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to the Georgian port of Batumi, was acting in accordance with the law and had been in international waters. And it will be forthcoming if I am wrong as I hope yours will be in reverse. Russia has brought in new forces to Crimea, which it annexed from Ukraine in 2014. Seizing southern Ukraine could cut Kyiv off from the coast and NATO's presence in the Black Sea, Melvin said, and could play well with Russian nationalists who see the area as the historic 'Novorossiya' lands or 'New Russia'. Or Major joining Carlisle, Osbornes 8 or so jobs, Miliband joining that charity or Blair on his 1M a year+ all for following the US line? Russian warships have been seen acting unusually off the south coast of Ireland. Add in SPEAR EW, which will be an air launched jammer, creating false targets, and the bad guys are going to have a veryRead more . Because the EU demanded first dibs on our defence contracts and all but destroyed our steal industry, just like they took over our agriculture and fishing industries. Would tend to agree with you Graham, to what end does Putin need to invade Ukraine? Global Britain is an illusion. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-03/kremlin-insider-klyushin-is-said-to-have-2016-hack-details. The proliferation of this capability within the new Russian Navy is profoundly changing its ability to deter, threaten or destroy adversary targets. That was not my point: NATO has antied up and put boots on the ground, who are prepared to fight. Where do they and other countries replace it from? The talks between the two diplomats came just a day after Russia unveiled plans for naval drills involving more than 140 warships and more than 60 aircraft, seen as a show of strength. The result is a net drop in drivers. If the RN really wants anti ship missiles, we would get them. Russian Navy ships can be seen in satellite imagery approaching the Ukrainian Coast. A 4 ship of F35s could put 36 missiles into the target area from over 100km away with the advantage of stealth. What you are saying is if the US had pre-positioned a couple thousand troops in Ukraine, it wouldve prevented Putin from planning and then sending 100,000+ troops to the border along with simultaneous exercises across all their armed forces around the globe including this one: https://www.thejournal.ie/russia-missile-test-south-west-coast-ireland-5660829-Jan2022/. And I know the USA seems to have more fruit-cakes that believe these. A lot older but the modern B52 is like triggers broom. Assassinations of nuclear experts. Yes, its certainly a complex situation, aided no doubt by a perceived weakness of the US, which is currently very poorly led and has been for several years. As to Corbin(Corbyn) and American born Johnson, well in my opinion Corbyn is poison and Johnson is a clown beyond redemption Regards Geoff(who is btw an ardent Americophile), Douglass post about this being Bidens fault instead of Putin and his yes men is just not true and I dont think its the time to encourage them. Published. 'This of course would be the most costly economically, politically and in terms of human lives and that's probably why it's least likely,' Melvin said of an all-out invasion. As far as Im aware there isnt any part of the channel that is not either British or French waters. Seems a bit left-field but the Swedes seem to be taking things seriously. It is very obvious where they are going, staring you right into your eyes!! If NSM is good enough for USN & Germany its good enough for RN. It could be solved if Ukraine finally implemented the Minsk Protocol it signed in 2015. See reply above. He really wants to install a pro-Russian government in Kiev and to have independence for theRead more . Final talks on NI post-Brexit deal as UK PM meets EU chief - No 10. Giving his annual speech to the Royal United Services Institute, the Defence chief said: They are flexing their muscles in our own back yard with an ostentation they have not displayed since the Cold War. Commander Ed Moss-Ward, HMS Portland's commanding officer, said: "Escorting warships in UK territorial waters and the adjacent sea areas is routine activity for the Royal Navy. UK politicians have been cutting our forces (numerically) once or twice a decade since the end of the Korean War, ie over the last 70 years, not just the last 30 years. Er, US forces are in Poland and no doubt in the Ukraine. On western side it was concern that with the post Soviet economic collapse theyd end up in very dodgy countries hands. THE Royal Navy has shadowed nine Russian warships stalking Britain's coast in the past two weeks. The . The most comprehensive solution to manage all your complex and ever-expanding tax and compliance needs. Like wise the Danse could blockade the Baltic as well. The BBC said shots were fired and that as many as 20 Russian aircraft were "buzzing" the British ship. You forgot about their national dish: kapusta cabbage soup, the outer leaves of which can be distilled hic apparently hic. Yep, you may well sleep well when not being reminded of the things you could actually be doing to help the world, Ive partaken in wars over Oil and I dont even drive, Driving fossil fueled powered cars is not the only thing causing climate change and that we need to change. This is why US UKRead more . 'They discussed U.S. and international security and economic assistance to Ukraine, and the Secretary expressed appreciation for Ukraines continued calls for a diplomatic solution, stressing the need for Ukrainian unity in the face of the Russian threat,' Price said. It said about 50 BTGs were already in place to the north and east of Ukraine and in Crimea to the south. That was due to the unusually large number of landing craft in the Baltic. He wasnt kissing his backside so much when he scrapped the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty! Severn was also on patrol as the Vice-Admiral Kulakov sailed through the Channel. I agree with your 10 year rule. These vessels are more than likely head to Syria to onload stores. There was the Orange revolution in Ukraine in 2004/5 that was the point that they started to orient themselves more with the West. , As you can see from the pic at the top the Russian ship is within visual range. Who do you think got impeached by the US House for trying to compromise Zelensky? No Typhoons in Romania at present, but USAF F-15Es there. We do need more ships and we will increase the number of frigates in the years to come. One of Russia's newest, most advanced warships - the Admiral Gorshkov - docked in Havana some 90 miles from the southern tip of Florida, amid Russia's warnings to the U.S. about deploying missiles near Russia, the Associated Press reported Monday. 'How can we be given a chance to defend ourselves if you're not giving weapons? 'I strongly, strongly hope that we can keep this on a diplomatic and peaceful path, but ultimately, that's going to be President Putin's decision.'. Itll make Snatch Landrover fiasco look trivial. Historical animosity towards the Russians. Also Congress now has the Trump White House documents related to Jan 6. I cant believe Putin seriously wants to invade Ukraine he would lose far more than he gained. WW1 & WW2 were not just ended by fighting but the economic ability of Germany to out produce the allies. A Slava Class cruiser isnt going to be worried by any Wildcat, whilst ROEs mean that by the time Astutes have surfaced to receive comms the shooting has started and finished. My point still stands EFP is a deterrent/trip wire force to prevent Russia thinking she has an option to interfere in those countries. That is the role of EFP troops in Poland and the Baltics show of support plus being a tripwire. It said Russia had deployed 36 Iskander launchers, weapons capable of hitting targets up to 700km away, near Ukraine and said the medium-range missiles that could be used to 'destroy vital objects'. If you remember in WW2 GERMANY wanted to invade us, and we used means of blow up tanks etc to deter them. Well on your point about coming to Ukraines aid in any meaningful way, I would disagree to an extent. It seems Not! George is on Twitter at @geoallison, Comments may automatically be held for moderation by our team, they will be approved as soon as possible in accordance with our. if 25% could actually get out of harbour before breaking down! It seems a good time to propose it in the commons. Indeed you wouldnt need ships to eliminate those ducks as you wouldnt in the Dardanelles if they ever got in a pickle there either as Britain found out before the Gallipoli campaign became a hasty if equally ill fated alternative. Mr Putin is aware that as Ukraine does not belong to Nato, there will be no military response by Western states. Royal Navy ship off Crimea sparks diplomatic row between Russia and UK In his annual Defence speech, General Sir Nick Carter also said it was 'too early to plot the demise of the tank'. The same Russian warship has since conducted military drills in the Norwegian Sea, the Russian defence ministry announced. You have to look at the bigger picture, Russia, China and the Iranians are holding joint exercises in the Indian ocean, increased naval activity in the Arctic, My biggest concern is India and Pakistan. Defence Forces monitoring Russian warships acting unusually off Irish I think youre forgetting the Enhanced Forward Presence incl Canadians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Romainians, Slovaka, Czechs, Danes, Norgies, Albanians, Slovenes, Italians, Germans, French and may have missed one or two just saying like. Combined, these would provide us with a very capable deterrent for home defence from land, sea and air.
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