2013 1,950, Mercy Ministries of America (EIN 72-0973419). His family didn't have beds and slept on cardboard. If only you knew that one day I would go on and sponsor another kid in my community and be a source of hope to others. 2012 0, Christian Embassy EIN 95-6006173 ( CCC ministry, evangelizes on Capital Hill and in the Pentagon ), 2001 5,000 Enlist our congregations to get involved in the political process, 2001 1,000 2009 5,000 (EIN 65-496702) Truth In Action is the working name of Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc. As chronicled by RightWingWatch, in 2012, the same year that Truth In Action was funded by the National Christian Foundation, the ministry showcased activists who likened homosexuality to slavery and called for its criminalization. Both have participated in Ed Silvosos International Transformation Network. Deliverance is the frequently used shorthand for deliverance from demon spirits, otherwise known as exorcism. I continued, however, to struggle with denial and a growing temptation to drink (see: http://www.crtampa.com/2013/celebrate-recovery-connection-july-312013/ ), 2008 3,000 2009 19,900 Family Research Council Top Christian Reconstructionists such as R.J. Rushdoony (widely considered the movements founder) have advocated imposing capital punishment (via such biblical methods of execution as stoning, crucifixion or burning at the stake) for violations of mosaic law such as adultery, homosexuality, female un-chastity (sex before marriage), witchcraft, idolatry, and blasphemy. 2005 10,800 (see: http://www.religiondispatches.org/archive/politics/1273/fighting_demons__raising_the_dead__taking_over_the_world/), 2006 1,500 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) 2013 1,239,850, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (EIN 95-1921156). Concerned Women For America 2005 20,000 (Conservative Caucus Research) As described by Equality Matters, a project of Media Matters for America, the New Jersey Family Policy Council claims Homosexuality Is Unhealthy, Can Be Cured, Linked To Pedophilia (see: http://equalitymatters.org/blog/201202090002), 2012 8,500 2010 850,892 2003 -15,000 (Conservative Caucus Research, a separate Howard Phillips-run 501(c)(3)) 2012 874,930 Can you explain Compassions rating on Charity Navigator? 2006 4,233,159 According to AI, its Family Task Force generally supports the principles and purposes of the World Congress of Families and participates in its global meetings. (see: http://www.advocatesinternational.org/library/family-and-community), 2001 51,000 All Rights Reserved. However, once children graduate from the program and the sponsorship relationship comes to a close, the letters stop. 2005 22,916 2003 2,678,900 2008 225,855 2002 0 The California School Project co-partners with the Pacific Justice Institute to evangelize in California schools. We want children to have the opportunity to see living faith in action, hear the gospel and be discipled in the ways of Christ. Other major ministries on the evangelical right, such as the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, are now looking towards Kevin Palaus model as a possible way to rebrand conservative evangelicalism, to move past the stigma of the divisive culture wars especially the perception that the movement is anti-gay. 2009 6,800 Bethany Christian Services Will Now Help LGBTQ Parents Adopt Children 2001 200,000 figures include NCF funding for numerous Teen Challenge centers with different IRS EIN numbers). 2007 35,000 2009 945,497 2009 550 2011 226,655 2006 3,000 This is good news to anyone seeking to escape a hollow lifestyle dishonoring to his Creator. [22] However, Charity Navigator changed its rating system in 2016,[23] and Compassion International's 2016 overall rating dropped to three stars out of four, for its accountability and transparency. But our relativistic everything-goes age does have one iron-clad rule: DO NOT apply biblical morality to social issues. 2002 14,000 I knew someone thought of me and prayed for me and that I was loved. At the Glenn Eyrie conference, speakers outlined an evolving, multilayer strategy to combat LGBT rights. 2011 12,163 My heart was filled with joy. 2002 76,500 A person then either tries to arrange their life in reaction to, or avoidance of, these painful areas 2007 2,734,300 NCF funding to the AFM reflects the peak period of this effort, from 2004-2007. The children Compassion serves receive, among other things: the opportunity to hear the gospel and learn about Jesus; regular Christian training; educational opportunities and help; health care, hygiene training and supplementary food if necessary; a caring and safe Christian environment to grow in self-confidence and social skills; personal attention, guidance and love. 2012 6,000, Prison Fellowship Ministries (EIN numbers 62-0988294 and 51-0247185), 2001 631,200 The result is a gender confusion never experienced at such a wide level in the history of the world. 2008 64,150 Throughout his career Palau has been close to Billy Graham and also tightly linked to The Family/Fellowship, which hosts the National Prayer Breakfast. No to sodomy!, In 2010, only a few months after Western media attention became fixated on the role that TheCall head (and NAR prophet) Lou Engle (with financial help from the National Christian Foundation) had played in inciting anti-gay hatred in Uganda by staging a May 2010 TheCall rally in Kampala, Luis Palaus son Andrew Palau held a series of Luis Palau Association rallies in Uganda with the help of Bishop Julius Oyet (see: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2010/October/Evangelist-Palau-Spreads-Love-in-Uganda/ ). 2004 3,000 expanded to serve over 25 different countries and over four million children. 2009 175,300 ( 50K to AFA radio ) 2005 16,000 2004 16,400 [19][20] The research, by Bruce Wydick, Paul Glewwe, and Laine Rutledge, evaluated Compassion efforts in six countries, with 10,144 children studied, reporting "large, statistically significant impacts on years of schooling; primary, secondary, and tertiary school completion; and the probability and quality of employment." Specifically, the study concluded, "the Compassion child sponsorship program increases years of completed schooling by 1.031.46 years over a baseline of 10.19 years and increases the probability of primary school completion by 4.07.7 percentage points (baseline 88.7 percent), secondary school completion by 11.616.5 percentage points (baseline 44.9 percent), and university completion by 2.12.4 percentage points (baseline 4.3 percent) [and found] impacts of 5.16.3 percentage points on the probability of salaried employment in adulthood and a 6.56.7 percentage point increase in the probability of white-collar employment, as well as modest evidence for causal impacts on community and church leadership." As the Villars Statements response to those stated concerns made clear, poverty, hunger, and underdevelopment generally were, more than any other single cause, to be attributed to a lack of the Christian worldview. More recently, the Ethics and Public policy Center has been a partner with and financial sponsor of the World Congress of Families which, since the late 1990s, has rallied pro-family (and anti-LGBT rights) social conservatives on a global scale. Despite this, there are brave, smart, strategic, passionate, and resilient LGBTQI+ leaders and civil society organizations in nearly every country and region who work tirelessly to advance the rights of all people across the diverse spectrum of sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and sex characteristics. The International Association of Healing Rooms miracle healing franchise is run by one one of the apostles in the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (formerly the International Coalition of Apostles, led for the decade of the 2000s by church growth guru C. Peter Wagner). 2003 0 2012 247,299, The Family Foundation of Virginia (EIN 52-1425355), 2008 1,300 Compassion, Compassion International, Compassion Sunday, the Compassion Logo and the FILL THE STADIUM Logo are registered trademarks of Compassion International, Inc. All donations in the United States are tax deductible in full or part. 2009 171,100 2013 0, Faith 2 Action (Janet Porter/Janet Folger) (EIN 74-3068193). 2009 90,000 5. The strategy of the homosexual rights movement is to use the courts and state referendum to redefine marriage And they intend to silence or destroy any group that opposes their political goals. Thus, either individuals or corporations might legally be able to discriminate, in what Clarkson calls the sacralization of bigotry (see: http://www.politicalresearch.org/2014/06/03/video-fred-clarkson-explains-the-fight-for-religious-freedom/). 2007 40,004 2004 40,000 2008 1,000 2006 9,000 The Biblical family is predicated on Gods created order and His dominion mandate for men and women to be fruitful and multiply and to steward the earth. This new research points all the way back to Genesis 3. California School Project 2006 $11,226 But the very existence of the movement serves to move the Overton Window, by making positions that might otherwise seem extreme look moderate by comparison. Visit the committee's Web page for several resources to help physicians, residents and fellows, and students develop strategies, programs and policy to better care for LGBT patients. Mission Statement. American Values, with your help will fight this radical agenda state-by-state and here in Washington., 2001 34,250 2008 7,200 2005 242,775 Howard Ahmanson is a frequent attendee at The Gathering who has been one of the most significant funders of anti-LGBT rights activism on the evangelical right. Assemblies of God 2009 370,090 In the forward to Luis Bushs book, then-Compassion International President Wess Stafford stated, Every major movement in history has grasped the need to target the next generation in order to advance its agenda and secure its legacy into the future. The problem, according to Eldredge, is an emasculating overemphasis on manners: Where are all the real men? is regular fare for talk shows and new books. 2006 1,346,868 2003 13,100 2010 656,976 Community development is important work that addresses the external circumstances of poverty and is an important complement to our work. 2012 123,469 2007 238,700 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) 2002 0 2011 7,000 2006 504,500 2009 3,150 2013 984,914, Marketplace Leaders Ministries (EIN 20-5399884). Compassion coordinates every aspect of the trip, including travel, meals, tips and gratuities, fees related to the travel, and sightseeing fares. In 2005, along with the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defense Fund and (NCF-funded) Becket Fund, Advocates International joined what would be a successful effort to protect the religious free speech rights of Swedish Pentecostal pastor Ake Green (see: http://www.akegreen.org/en-2-left/en-2-5.htm), who was being prosecuted under hate speech laws for a 2003 sermon in which Green declared, Is homosexuality genetic or an evil force that plays mind games with people? One of the more significant of the U.S. evangelical international aid nonprofits, Food For The Hungry funded the development of former Food For The Hungry Vice President Darrow L. Millers Biblical worldview courses, based on Christian Reconstructionist concepts, that are being taught across Africa by the Food For The Hungry-funded spinoff nonprofit Disciple Nations Alliance. 2003 1,000 (Eternal Perspectives) 2010 750 Natural disaster. Typically viewed as marginal, the movement has nonetheless gained widespread ideological traction through its promotion of a libertarian vision for radically shrinking government a vision that is not inherently theocratic but nonetheless advances the Reconstructionist political agenda, which foresees churches and local government moving into the void created as federal and state government are radically pared down. For more information, visitcompassion.comor follow us onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitter. 2009 156,920 Three cheers., (see:http://www.samaritanspurse.org/article/franklin-graham-statement/ ), 2001 57,560 It mattered, and it was enough. 2008 0 Schlossbergs ministry, the NCF-funded His Servants, sells a line of ex-gay reparative therapy books translated into multiple languages including Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, and Hindi. 2005 46,825 Beside his work with DNA, Langa also has been a speaker at the conferences of Transform-World, a global Transformation franchise run by evangelist and missiologist Luis Bush (no relation to family of Presidents George W. Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush) which operates from locations in Asia, to Ethiopia, to Brazil. 2005 0 During his talk, Ventrella mentioned giving presentations around the world on the homosexual agenda, including in Ethiopia in an apparent reference to his talk at the 2009 Advocates International Ethiopia conference. 2006 15,000 2010 0 The Iowa Family Policy Center is the educational arm of the Iowa Family Leader. You might have thought I would be afraid of you, look down on you, judge you, or consider you unworthy of friendship. 2009 4,000 My family also got a mattress, and we graduated from sleeping on dirt floors on cardboards to a comfortable mattress. 2012 57,500. 2009 18,861 2011 42,000 2002 70,000 2010 9,357,128 Discipling Nations states the laws of the state are to be founded on the law of God and declares, We are Gods soldiers claiming territory for our King.. 2012 5,100 2007 2,344,941 Christian Union also promotes the religious rights typical slate of positions opposition to legal abortion and stem cell research and support of sexual abstinence and Intelligent Design. 2010 86,500 2012 Christian Child Sponsorship - Compassion - Child Charity Organization. In its Fall 2011 issue, the Ivy League Observer featured an article by one of the leaders of the Princeton Group initiative, venture capitalist Chuck Stetson, a co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage and the CEO of the (anti-gay) National Marriage Week. 2008 2,444,840 Christian Film and Television Commission In his capacity as a leader at Focus on the Family (from 1988 to 2000) Eldredge helped shape the Christian rights strategy on combating LGBT rights. 2008 166,366 In a section, on pages 49-50, titled A morally bankrupt climate has arisen, Luce bemoans, You walk past the Victorias Secret and glance into the storefront window: Your eyes fall upon massive posters of half-naked women, You stroll into Abercrombie and Fitch to pick up a catalog: You end upo paging through gay and lesbian pictures (set in strip clubs and shower rooms) that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, Transgendered persons are a non-issue, Gay Pride is celebrated, and some [Abercrombie and Fitch] commercials even seem to sell the idea of being gay more than a product., 2001 500 2004 245,445 ( 50K AFA Radio ) 2012 703,132, Probe Ministries International (EIN 75-1416858), Probe Ministries is an apologetics ministry that promotes In That None Should Perish, Silvoso describes how his revolutionary technique of prayer evangelism can drive from even the darkest satanic redoubts the forces of evil: Let us choose what could well be the darkest spiritual place in America: the San Francsico Bay Area. I am alive and healthy, educated, empowered, and out of the slums. (see: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/04/29/iowas-gop-senate-candidates-vow-to-block-judges-who-wont-follow-biblical-law/), Reported Charisma News in August 2013, Despite revisions to the original document, pastor John Hagee still opposes a proposed city ordinance intended to protect the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in San Antonio, Texas.. 2007 34,400 Stephen F. Noll, a longtime associate pastor at the Truro Church (formerly the Truro Episcopal Church before Truro broke away form the Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. [ECUSA]), is in agreement with C. Peter Wagner on the need for believers to engage in Spiritual Warfare/Spiritual Mapping.
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