pennsylvania organized crime

511, 512, 947, 948, October, 1965 Term of Grand Jury; also, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, February 7, 1965, p. 1. District Court, Northern District of Ohio), Criminal No. It is the finding of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission that organized crime thrives throughout the Commonwealth and is a problem of tremendous and unrecognized magnitude. Dominick Alaimo was serving in the capacity of committeeman for Local 8005 of the United Mine Workers, and his job was to handle "labor grievances" of Local 8005 members. The chief enforcer for Minker's syndicate was John Wittig, a convicted murderer. and other related statutes. Illegal liquor distilleries have been a lucrative source of funds for organized crime in Pennsylvania. This Section also investigates and prosecutes violations of the Neglect of Care-Dependent Person statute (18 Pa. C.S.A. The subversion of government which results from bribery or illicit influence creates an atmosphere in which individual agencies become reluctant to pursue organized crime. Some of the most elaborate sports-information dissemination networks have operated in Pennsylvania. Often they are accustomed to operating in an atmosphere of high pressure and force, and racketeers feel that such methods are necessary to achieve their cooperation. The central, undeniable finding is that there are permanent, ongoing criminal conspiracies operating in Pennsylvania which are controlled in large part, but not exclusively, by La Cosa Nostra families. 150 U.S. vs. Ippolito, et al. (Subsequent investigation has fixed the number of "core group" Cosa Nostra families at twenty-six.) The Criminal Division EDAG reports to the Attorney General and the First Deputy Attorney General. DeCavalcante said that he was losing so much in his Bristol bank that "whatever I'm making through these plays in Trenton I'm throwing to Bristol" to make up the deficit. In January 2005, a dedicated Child Predator Unit was created using a group of specially trained agents and prosecutors across Pennsylvania to identify and capture online predators before they can harm children. For a time the promoters were able to meet their payments, but at the end of the thirty days they were unable to complete the terms. Guerrieri and sixty-two other persons have been indicted in the counterfeiting scheme. Abe Minker, the rackets czar of Reading, was known to pay 30% of his numbers profits to members of the Vito Genovese Cosa Nostra family. Prior to their testimony the Internal Revenue Service requested that all four witnesses voluntarily submit to polygraph tests. The vast majority of cases investigated by the Criminal Prosecutions Section falls into three categories and under three provisions of the Commonwealth Attorneys Act. 147-148. [198], Violence against Consumers of Organized Crime Services. We are able to document conclusively that (1) organized crime exists in Pennsylvania, (2) numerous levels of organization are involved in the operation of illegal activities, and (3) the provision of illegal goods and services in Pennsylvania depends upon immunity and insulation from law enforcement and prosecution efforts. Gambling's Relationship with other Crimes, The operation of an illegal numbers bank, bookmaking parlor, sports pool, or other enterprise involves much more than the street-level provision of the illicit service. In 1963, agents of the FBI were alerted to an interstate extortion-loan shark racket centered in Philadelphia and New Jersey. Pecora. Since anything that san be seen or reached by the consuming public will attract the attention of law enforcement authorities, their efforts must be nullified. The Crime Commission will support and assist state and local law enforcers with its investigative and legal staff, accounting expertise, and intelligence sources. "[185] When Cosa Nostra member Harry Riccobene was searched by Philadelphia Police in 1968, he had in his possession an address book containing the names of two former Local 107 officers and one current one. Government. Read More. It is clear that the "harmless" $2.00 bet can not be tolerated when weighed against the harm done by the political corruption which flows from illegal gambling and by the channeling of gambling profits into other syndicate activities. Investigate and resolve . 21559. The section also works closely with the Pennsylvania State Polices Organized Crime Division throughout the Commonwealth. The Criminal Law Division has Regional Offices located throughout the Commonwealth to carry out its functions. Unless corruption and influence can be eliminated and the resolve to fight organized crime can be developed, Pennsylvania will continue to harbor criminal syndicates and suffer from an inevitably lowered quality of government. February 16, 2023. In 1968 Medico Industries received a $3.9 million defense contract to produce 600,000 missile warheads for rockets to be used in Viet Nam. In conjunction with environmental crimes, the Section prosecutes traditional Crimes Code offenses including, but not limited to, tampering with public records, forgery, unsworn falsification, reckless endangerment, criminal conspiracy, corrupt organizations, money laundering, vandalism, deceptive business practices and theft. Harrisburg, PA 17120 District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. Treasury Balance Tickets, Betting Pools, and Punchboards. "[161] Fudeman then demanded payments if the independents were allowed to remain in business. Second, the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police is extremely vulnerable to police involvement in protection for numbers operators Third, the official attitude of the administration of the bureau - to plead that numbers gambling exists but that the bureau must be more concerned with other forms of crime - has resulted in the tendency for many of the personnel to become complacent with respect to numbers gambling enforcement. The method of repayment of the loan was an agreement by the borrower to pay a 5% kickback on the amount of the lender's product sold through the borrower's food retailing enterprise.[113]. The following discussion should put to rest for good the contention that the corner bookie answers to no one above himself; that local bookmaking should be tolerated because the bookmakers are known to the community; and that off-track betting, illegal though it may be, should not be treated as criminal because it is harmless. 55 Summary of the Principal Findings and Recommendations, Survey of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, International Association of Chiefs of Police (Washington, D.C.: Int'l Assn. Funds are also provided to District Attorney administered Task Forces. "[126] In 1952 he was convicted in federal court in Philadelphia for conspiring to purchase large amounts of heroin from a Baltimore supplier, and was sentenced to a term of one year. The takeover of the beer distributorship was not in violation of Pennsylvania law, but would be, under the proposed Pennsylvania Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970 (House Bill No. The convictions were later reversed by the United States Court of Appeals. (2) $25,000, when the conviction is of a felony of the first or second degree. 3. These officials commmunicate in various ways to their subordinates that organized crime cases are not to be pursued or that they are to receive lenient treatment. Illegal gambling is by far the largest and most lucrative activity in which organized crime is engaged. [18] If the Commission is dissatisfied with the performance of a boss, it may permanently remove him by "putting him on the shelf," as it did with Joseph Bonnano of New York,[19] who was found to be plotting the murders of other Cosa Nostra bosses. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. It exists as one of the largest agencies in the nation devoted exclusively to drug enforcement. 76 U.S. vs. Capello, et al. 153 DeCavalcante transcripts, vol. [8] The Committee also concluded that this organization was the "cement" binding together many independent and local criminal syndicates throughout the country. [5] He continually defaulted on payments, and DeCavalcante kept adding interest to the loan. Actually, information confirming the existence of interstate gambling syndicates had been compiled in 1956 by IRS agents who located a gambling layoff center in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. The family structure is as follows:[32]. [234] The sentence of Louis Barish, a racketeer from Delaware County and an associate of Pittsburgh and New York Cosa Nostra families, was commuted by Governor Fisher m 1937. 2010 Pennsylvania Code Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES Chapter 39 - Theft and Related Offenses 3929.3 - Organized retail theft. The family gradually took over both coal companies and locals of the United Mine Workers Union and benefited from the "sweetheart" contracts that could thus be obtained. Until the highest levels of political leadership are interested and engaged in the issue af organized crime control, the law enforcement agencies under them cannot be expected to give the matters adequate attention, Honest public officials in every community need help from their colleagues if any progress is to be made. A straw purchaser of two or more guns is subject to the Brad Fox Law which requires a 5 year mandatory minimum. He owns the Bonnie Stewart Dress Company and Claudia Frocks in New York along with racketeers James Plumeri and Angelo Sciandra. Also engaged in narcotics smuggling, labor racketeering, and dealing in stolen jewels and furs.[124]. 247 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Title I, Public Law No. [203], The Philadelphia numbers bank of William and Louis DiRugeris was raided by Internal Revenue agents in 1967. A major boxing racket extortion case involved two prominent Cosa Nostra leaders in the Philadelphia-Camden area. In its presentment the Grand Jury concluded that "corruption was. Additional gambling casino interests of the LaRocca family were located just over the West Virginia border. Third, all members are sworn to an oath of secrecy, referred to as "omerta," which, translated literally, means silence. 160 Welch vs. Stokes, et al. Interested in visiting the State Capitol? On the basis of these findings, the Crime Commission recommends the adoption of a series of measures to improve law enforcement and the administration of criminal justice where organized crime is concerned. Most of these businesses fall into a few basic categories; typical are the following examples of organized crime infiltration of the business sector throughout the United States: 1. He had a lengthy criminal record with fifteen arrests, three of them for murder. The following case illustrates the extent of Cosa Nostra control. Authorities believed they had been killed to prevent them from exposing corruption in the union. Office of the United States Attorney, Western District of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh), Southern District of New York (Manhattan), Northern District of West Virginia (Wheeling). Peter Maggio. Developing resolve means concentrating all presently available resources, although these fall short of what is really needed, on convicting top racketeers. Two families are composed of members who reside in Pennsylvania but whose bosses reside in neighboring states. A number of Cosa Nostra traditions concerning authority and discipline effect. Bribery as a form of nullification still exists, but it has been supplemented by an intricate web of political favors and hidden payoffs with a semi-legitimate cover. When Cosa Nostra member Harry Riccobene was searched by Philadelphia police in 1968, they found an address book listing the names and addresses of prominent political officials, labor leaders, and labor racketeers. Lima came from a family connected to organized crime. Reputation testimony was given by three prominent Philadelphia public officials, City Councilmen Thomas Foglietta and Benjamin Cucuruto, and State Representative Matthew F. 1951), p. 61. Subsequent investigation showed that a substantial portion of the profits was channeled to New York. 107 Measures Relating to Organized Crime, p. 180. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1954), p. 11. Along with these, six members of the Stefano Magaddino Cosa Nostra family who lived in Erie were indicted and four were convicted. The jeweler introduced two of his friends to the usurer, not knowing that he thereby was automatically guaranteeing their interest payments. The second area was the western portion of the state, with tickets flowing into Pennsylvania from Jamestown, New York and Youngstown, Ohio. Brooklyn. In 1965, FBI agents raided a Cosa Nostra run crap game in South Philadelphia and arrested five members with long arrest records for serious, violent crimes. 2, p. 1. The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board awarded a license to DeNaples after an investigation that looked into whether he had any ties to organized crime or financial problems. Senate Bill No. 19, p. 125 ff. [88], 2. Often the banker will scatter his offices in different locations throughout the city in order to avoid detection, and numbers writers or runners phone in their bets to the bank so that they can then destroy all gambling records. Later Riccobene was supported in a bid for a commutation of sentence by State Senator Vincent Scarcelli. Organized criminals endear themselves to officials and political leaders in a number of ways, creating many types of obligations. [148], 3. to the Fiocca brothers, leaving both of them unconscious, a third muscle man picked up one of the brothers and pitched him through a taproom plate glass window. 1990 Report. While in themselves they may not bring in very much revenue, they establish the conditions under which increased revenue will gradually come in. When top-level officials accept campaign contributions and bribes from underworld leaders, they communicate to subordinates the idea that these individuals and their interests are to be protected. [231] Since the 1930's Riccobene had been convicted in four major narcotics cases, and he was listed as a major violator by the federal Bureau of Narcotics. present in the Easton Police Department, although limited to a small group" and that there existed "disturbing outside interference with the Easton Police Department. By sponsoring professional criminals and providing. 135 Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs for the Year Ended December 31, 1956, Bureau of Narcotics, U.S. Treasury Department (Washington, DC. In May of 1967, IRS agents arrested two principal bookmakers in the Pittsburgh area, Augustine Ferrone and William Mendicino, who were accused of laying off bets with a Las Vegas operator. Competitors of criminal syndicates are the most frequent victims of violence. In addition to these five families, five more are presently conducting or in the immediate past have conducted operations in Pennsylvania although members do not permanently reside here. 75 US. After immigrating from Sicily, Bufalino rose through the organized crime ranks in the early 20th century to become one of America's most feared Cosa Nostra bosses by the 1950s. In order to buy insurance against heavy losses, the bankers "hedge" or "edge off" these heavy bets with individuals who provide this type of insurance. "[213] Later Migliazza recorded a taped interview for the Easton Express in which he detailed contributions and payoffs to political leaders and public officials, The impact of this high-level corruption is difficult to estimate. 4. One alternate tactic is bombing. (Sometimes, of course, syndicate-controlled businesses do manufacture or provide sub-standard goods and services, and these matters will also be discussed.). 179 U.S. vs. D'Agata (Philadelphia: U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. ADVISERS: There is a weakening of resolve among civic leaders to address their many urban problems. Oreatha Gupton and three associates were apprehended and later convicted, and their New York source of supply was arrested. First, legitimate establishments provide a source of legal income which racketeers can account for and spend freely. While in the grand jury waiting room, he assaulted an Alcohol Tax agent who had tried to photograph him, and was convicted in 1959 of the resulting charges. Joseph N. Pecora was convicted in federal court in Wheeling, West Virginia, in 1968 for selling altered alcohol spirits in refilled liquor bottles. This approach would use both criminal and antitrust-type civil sanctions to remove racket influence from legitimate organizations. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. 15905. One example of a career criminal engaged in narcotics trafficking is Harry Riccobene, a high-ranking member of the Angelo Bruno Cosa Nostra family. 3. People who live in Scranton generally consider the southwest part of the city to be the safest. A number of major narcotics peddlers in Philadelphia supply the entire Delaware Valley area. Gambling is very often the medium by which the successful businessman (but unsuccessful gambler) is introduced to loan sharking. 186 The 1967 Report to the People of Philadelphia from the Office of the District Attorney, p. 112-113. His partners in the game were (a) Abe Minker, Reading rackets czar, (b) Dominick Olivetto, underboss of the Angelo Bruno Cosa Nostra family, and (c) Joseph Profaci, boss of a Cosa Nostra family in New York City. 16246, 16774. The Criminal Law Division is headed by an Executive Deputy Attorney General (EDAG), who is the Director and has overall responsibility for ensuring that the functions of the Division are properly administered. 138 Organized Crime and Illicit Traffic in Narcotics, Pt. Or the mob may pump considerable funds into the campaign treasury of a candidate opposing a crusading district attorney or public leader. His perforated body was found a few days later in a burlap sack. [66] Fiorini and Minker were charged with conspiring to evade and defeat collection of federal wagering taxes. In Erie the local lieutenants have been James "Westfield Jimmy" Salamone and Anthony Ciotti, who have lengthy criminal records. Following a violent purge of older members in 1931, a fusion of Sicilian and other Italian racketeers was created which from that time to the present has been known as "La Cosa Nostra," or "Our Thing. Organized crime need no longer bribe everyone. 64 U.S. vs. Minker, et al. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. 22701, transcript, p. 3234. In addition, the Grand Jury offices are in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Norristown. (Pardon file #3824), 3. The State Insurance Department ordered the company to come up with $1 million in sceurities in order to retain its license. Other areas of Pennsylvania have shown significant numbers gambling over the years. In Pennsylvania, three of the five resident Cosa Nostra families have members who either have narcotics convictions or are suspected of having been active in narcotics traffic. 3, p. 774. After Barbara's death the control of the Northeastern family was passed to the younger Bufalino, whose reign has attracted nationwide publicity, beginning with the 1957 Apalachin meeting, which federal authorities credit him with "arranging and attending." The same process is used to select the second digit (4th and 5th races} and third (6th and 7th. Although in firm control of his family, Ida ran his operations through his sottocapo (underboss), Marco Reginelli of Camden, who attracted most of the public and law enforcement attention. 139 Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for Fiscal Year 1959, U.S. Department of Justice (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960), p. 222. In 1951, testimony was given before the Kefauver Crime Committee by State Police Captain Harry McElroy concerning the illegal traffic in treasury balance tickets in Pennsylvania. [43] In 1969 a special statewide grand jury in Trenton indicted Costello for running a $500,000-a-year numbers operation. A modern system would prevent loss of good data, reduce wasteful duplication of effort, and facilitate the sharing of information. The proprietors of the still obtained from the City Council quick installation of a sewer to get rid of the mash. Although Maloney was acquitted of the tax evasion charges, all government witnesses who testified passed polygraph tests relative to the payment of bribes to Maloney. Russell Bufalino. 2380 and 2381, January, 1968 Term of Grand Jury. 3. Joseph Frank Rosa, (deceased), caporegime, Southwestern Cosa Nostra family. 100-UL Pittsburgh PA 15222-2511 Internet Crime Complaint Center IC3's mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. 520, August, 1959 Term of Grand Jury. 194 Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph, August 19, 1939. 32-34, 37-A, 38-42, March 1958 Term of Grand Jury. Because Frank (Cocchiaro) owed Dapper (Frank Dappolito) $3000. Text Size: A A A Print A provision of this statute is set to expire in 2023. 108 J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1969 FBI Appropriation (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1968), p. 85. The vast volume of federal, state, and local law enforcement data allows no other rational conclusion. 151 U.S. vs. Monte, et al. 167 U.S. vs. Stein, et al. Examples of such providers include nursing homes, hospitals, medical supply vendors and medical professionals (physicians, dentists, pharmacists, etc.). BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) Andrew Tate, the divisive social media influencer and former professional kickboxer who is detained in Romania on suspicion of organized crime and human trafficking . 200 Commonwealth vs. Fina (Philadelphia: Court of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia County), Bill No. n. 211, "Sentence Hearing.". District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. Despite its hazards, the narcotics trade has been a life-long venture for many. In 1963 S. Steinbrecker declared bankruptcy and it was later found that $140,000 worth of goods was illegally sold. Significantly, all three bosses are currently under federal indictment for their activities: Bruno and Colombo for income tax evasion; Gambino for plotting an armored car robbery. Partner in M. Maggio and Company and Michael's Dairies, Inc., one of the largest dairy companies in Philadelphia. A body known as "The Commission" or "The Administration" is composed of a selected number of family bosses, and controls induction of new members and matters of territorial jurisdiction. 3. 236 Information supplied by the Organized Crime Division, Philadelphia Police Department. Visitors to this web version are encouraged to use their web browser's "Find" feature (often accessed by pressing Ctrl + F) to locate subjects of interest within the text. On a lesser scale these concerns have been traditional centers of neighborhood social life where most illegal numbers, treasury balance, punchboard, and sports betting has taken place. After the heroin was imported to New York City, U. S. Bureau of Narcotics Agents traced its distribution to Washington, Baltimore, Miami, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. The Public Corruption Section investigates and prosecutes crimes involving public officials and employees for offenses ranging from conflicts of interest and corrupt influence to theft related offenses and money laundering. Only the brute force of honest law enforcement and vigorous prosecutorial agencies can pierce this shield and destroy it. Senate Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, (Philadelphia: US. During his trial in 1965, four of the major, numbers bankers in the city testified as to the amounts of bribes. 1 Task Force Report: Organized Crime, President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967), p. 1. The Section is staffed with attorneys, agents and support staff located in offices in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Norristown and Wilkes-Barre. 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